Thank you all

by sweet pea 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    What are you drinking sweet pea?

  • prophecor

    Hi Sweet Pea. I applaud you on a purposeful Exit Strategy. Life can be wonderful outside the Temple Gates. Those in the Temple would do well to question the things they've been led to believe. All is not awash here in the world. There are still wonderful souls out here. We are not all lost.

    Continue prayerful, regardless how things may seem before you. God, I believe, still has His hands in the lives of all of us. Inside but especially outside the merry old land of OZ.

  • Gopher

    Congrats to you & Besty on a good re-set and re-start.

    I totally agree that this community and website are invaluable, whether a person made the choice to exit or was booted out. It was a stepping stone for me, seeing that many others worldwide were able to restart their life and gain a sense of self which the organization took away (or which the organization never let you develop if you were born into it).

    Indeed, we can make great decisions and have a great lfie without having to consult the Watchtower Publications Index !!!

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Nvr, it was 51 (pastis) when I posted then it became Rose wine - I'm such a girl, I know.

    What's your choice of tipple while JWD'ing?

    and Sad Emo, thanks for the tip but the smiley face doesn't appear whilst I'm in reply - is that 'coz I use a MAC?

  • nvrgnbk

    For you sweet pea.

    For besty.

    I'll have what he's havin.

  • flipper

    Sweet Pea & Besty- Mr. & Mrs. Flipper toast our glasses of Chardonnay to you both. May you have deep peace and success. Think of the peace and freedom you have now. You are no longer in captivity like caged animals. You will be happy!! I guarantee it! Peace, Mr. & Mrs. Flipper

  • RollerDave

    I'm not drinking at the moment, but later it will be Fleischman's Preferred Stock whisky and Diet Sprite over ice in a tall tumbler.

    I used to use Seven up, I learned from my Dad, he called 'em Whisky-Sevens

    Bottoms up, better tipsy on a little wine and free than spiritually drunk at the WTS table on lies.


  • bikerchic
    If it weren't for all you lot I don't think I would be sitting here at peace right now and feeling confident that a happy successful life was possible outside the JW's.

    Ditto that!

    *clink*cheers y'all!

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Hi sweet pea - no you can't get them on a Mac.

    I never realised you were on a Mac - you have paragraphs in your posts lol!!

    Oh well, I'll just have another tipple for you! (only fair trade juice since I'm working!)

  • smellsgood

    I will personally accept all the thanks, and credit, for making this a dandy place to post when you are lit! I know, I know, my contribution is indespensable, my wisdom, a light that shines on a cloudless day. Most people can blow smoke up others, but not all people can blow smoke up their own. Thank you, and you're welcome. *bows humbly* (this is all puff :) Sweet pea, you picked just the right username, and as for me

    at times it is possible, on occassion after bathing, yourstruly


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