Thank you all

by sweet pea 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Well, I'm sitting here on what should be a meeting night (how wonderful is freedom?) with a stiff drink. It's been a hell of a crappy couple of weeks and many tears have been shed but I'm feeling at peace tonight (even though brother in law yesterday informed us they only want emergency contact with us from now on - can you believe they want nothing to do with our two beautiful little ones, their nephews?! Besty phoned him back and asked him if he'd changed his number to 999? LOL. Check "Is a Rapid Graceful Exit Possible?" for full update...).

    My JW father can't believe how hateful people (our friends of over 70 years combined) have been to us but he remains a faithful JW. At least his attitude isn't one of hate (wrapped up in what they call 'love') like most.

    Jgnat's post today made a real impact and many other sentiments (how everyone feels about NVR, R.F.'s journey and contributions especially) so I just wanted to say how much I love, appreciate and respect all of you.

    Thank you Simon for setting up this amazing site - I've dipped in on a few other sites but this one surpasses them all. We do have a fantastic community here, even if we all are a bunch of misfits! :-)

    If it weren't for all you lot I don't think I would be sitting here at peace right now and feeling confident that a happy successful life was possible outside the JW's.

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    (and yes, this may be the alcohol speaking...)

  • unique1

    HERE HERE!!! Cheers!

  • DJK

    Cheers to you sweet pea! The JWD is a great place. Ooops, I miscounted.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    (((sweet pea & besty)))

    The folks who've cut you and the kids off - well that's their loss. Keep praying for the scales to fall from their eyes...

    glad your dad is still talking with you. He's still stuck in a cult but it sounds as though he can think for himself - cool!

    And yeah this site rocks!!

    Pass me a drink!

  • ex-nj-jw

    I agree sweetpea,

    I'm get'n ready to leave work and I'll be toasting with you guys in about 35minutes!!


  • BFD

    Yes sweet pea this is a great place and lots of great people here too. This board has been a life-line for people like me who've been out for a long time but still believed and for people who are just leaving (or getting the boot) like you guys.

    Here's to freedom from mind control!


  • free2think

    Cheers Sweet PeaIt used to be my meeting night too.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    That's the spirit!

    90 proof!

    Open Mind

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Guys and dolls, hope you've all enjoyed your drinks tonight - tell me - I'm still a JWD virgin - how do you put a drinks icon in your post, or any other icon for that matter?

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    When you're in reply there's a yellow smiley face - click that and they'll all appear for you - then you click the ones you want to use.

    Have another one on me

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