A PUZZLING QUESTION...????...????...????

by Terry 110 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • seesthesky

    yes - i have balls - it has actually happened to me and i told the person that i would rather die than sucumb to his demands - i expected to die but did not but if i had then at least i excercised my freedom - you see, freedom takes courage and, if it didn't, i do not think it would be freedom - can you grasp this?

  • seesthesky

    do u see? - true freedom lies in fearlessness but you cannot experience this if you have nothing to fear(such as death, pain, etc.)- good luck

  • Shawn10538

    Just as stupid if not stupider.

  • Shawn10538

    Off topic

  • Shawn10538

    Great post, but you lump all pagan religions together. It sounds like you imagine that pagans are savages dancing around a fire and beating drums. This is an uneducated view of pagans. I am a pagan myself, a Wiccan, but I'm also an athiest. the Wiccan tradition does not have doctrines, so belief in God is not required. I live by the Wiccan Rede and that's about it. I believe ritual and ceremony are fun and beneficial thanks to the placebo effect, but I am also strict science and I don't believe in Goppily Gak New Age bullshit. Everything must be proven scientifically or it just doesn't fly with me. so I take exception to your primitive and ignorant view of paganism. It is the true original religion and ALL others are only bastardizations of it.

  • Shawn10538

    The above "stupider" was in reference to the person who posted that God sacrificed HIMSELF. That thought is just as ridiculous as any other stupid bloody doctrine.

  • Insomniac

    Shawn- good points, interesting posts. Most people are unaware that there can be such a thing as an atheist Wiccan. In fact, I've met a couple, although they seem to be the minority. One of the best and healthiest aspects of Paganism, in my opinion, is its ability to accommodate a diverse range of personal belief sets. It certainly makes for some interesting and enlightening discussions.

    So, can I assume that you also don't cook up batches of yak entrails as part of your ritual? I'm sorry, that comment (a couple of pages back) about us Pagans made me laugh SO HARD. I've shown it to a few of my off-line friends (one Catholic, one Atheist, and the Atheist's Santerian wife) and they all howled...until they realized the individual was actually serious.

  • seesthesky

    TerrY: Here is an honest question to ponder. If somebody holds a gun to your head and asks you to do something; are you being presented with an actual choice?

    Me: Yes - if you don't understand that you don't understand freedom and i sure as hell don't want you watching my back for anything at all - that position does not understand choice - it wants something for nothing - re-read job - peace

  • Terry
    I take exception to your primitive and ignorant view of paganism. It is the true original religion and ALL others are only bastardizations of it.

    Good for you! Three cheers for bastards!

  • Terry
    TerrY: Here is an honest question to ponder. If somebody holds a gun to your head and asks you to do something; are you being presented with an actual choice?

    Me: Yes - if you don't understand that you don't understand freedom and i sure as hell don't want you watching my back for anything at all - that position does not understand choice - it wants something for nothing - re-read job - peace

    Well, I'm unable to parse your response. Sorry.

    My point was this. Necessity and our nature dictate most of what we do. Having a gun to your head imposes the necessity of a particular choice rather quickly. The morality of staying alive is only in question when you have been made irrational by ideology.

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