So I went to the DC to hear that "Superiority" Talk

by mavie 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • mavie

    First of all, no recording. I don't have a recorder.

    That being said. I arrived at the location rather early, about an hour and a half before the talk was to begin. Lunch was going on and I walked through a plaza all the dubs were gathering in to converse outside. I didn't expect to be nervous, but they were on edge a little bit as I was obviously not in attendance due to my wearing flip-flops, shorts, and a t-shirt.

    I was able to find my way to the local Starbucks by spotting returning dubs with drinks in hand. There must have been over 100 dubs in that place over the lunch break.

    Anyways, I walk in to the convention site 5 minutes before the talk begins. I'm standing outside the hall in my shorts holding a small notepad and pencil watching the inquisitive looks of dubs as they walk by. I felt an immense sadness for the small children walking past me. I also noticed many vapid expression on some of the attendees. They looked so tired.

    So the talk begins. I walk inside the hall, walk up some steps to find a seat and begin to take notes. It was a weak sauce talk. This convention is in the liberal Pacific Northwest, so we got pretty much the outline of the talk. Yet there were still interesting tidbits.

    Jesus had access to the highest education possible, but he chose to be taught by Jehovah.
    John 7:18 -- How did Jesus use his education? To give glory to Jehovah.

    How do we use our education?

    Divine education is open to all that would learn - Isa 4:13

    Benefits of divine education:
    1.) Free from enslavement to false teachings and the philosophy of man.
    2.) Help us steer away from things that might harm us vs. accurate knowledge. Col 3:7-10
    3.) Lays the basis for a close frienship with God.
    4.) Allows us to help others. What other degree can have such far reaching effects on others?

    Secular education can help us acquire basic skills:
    1.) Reading
    2.) Writing
    3.) Speaking clearly

    Operation definition of 'higher education'.

    WT 10/1/05
    pg 27

    (4 year university)

    Things to be wary of with higher education.

    1.) It is expensive even if we qualify for a scholarship. It can take years to pay off student loans.
    2.) Takes a great deal of time. What does that leave for theocratic activity? Eph 5:15,16
    3.) Puts us in a position to be exposed to teachings out of harmony with unscriptural teachings and other corrupting influences like binge drinking. (Prov 22:3)
    4.) Does not guarantee success. We may not find employment in our major field.

    Does higher education help one praise Jehovah? For the most part, no.

    The Apostle Paul compared higher education to a lot of refuse.

    3 interviews.

    First one has an unspecified B.S. Said there was a limited secular benefit from university.

    Second has a B.A in Lit and M.A. in English. Is a teacher. Found university teachings to challenge God's authority which created an immoral atmosphere. Also, many are qualified to be teachers without any secular education!!! Divine education 1. Never ends 2. No Cost 3. Best career.

    Third was a lifelong pioneer (in his 30's). No higher education. He has done whatever he could secularly to continue pioneering with his wife. He now lives on a farm cleaning horse stalls.

    Said that Luke was only remembered for what he wrote in the Bible, not his education. This is why the third interview declined a full ride to medical school from a wealthy employer recently!

    Why would we want to write soon outdated medical publications? Instead we should work on giving people Bible truths.

  • neverendingjourney
    declined a full ride to medical school from a wealthy employer recently!

    I'm willing to bet that this isn't true. It's probably a distortion, at best. I once gave a part at an assembly saying that I had given up on a university scholarship. In fact, all that happened was that a school counselor told me about some organizations that offered scholarships, but I never followed up on it. I feel that most of those "I gave up a scholarship" parts are grossly distorted and dishonest.

  • BizzyBee
    He now lives on a farm cleaning horse stalls.

    The man just seems to gravitate to horse manure!

  • Flowerpetal
    Why would we want to write soon outdated medical publications? Instead we should work on giving people Bible truths.

    Oh so what WTB&TS writes is never outdated??? Then why the "new light?"

  • loosie
    Allows us to help others. What other degree can have such far reaching effects on others?

    Should I start listing the degrees that can help others?

    Sounds like the speaker is uneducated as well.

    And how can you support yourself and your family pioneering?

  • Dawn
    First one has an unspecified B.S. Said there was a limited secular benefit from university.

    Well - I'm not sure what hole this guy has been hiding his head in, but in today's business world there is limited secular beneift from NOT having a degree. Basically leaves you with limited options - like cleaning horse stalls.

  • GramblingMan

    Hi Mavie,

    Was this the DC in Tacoma, Wa if so I know the 1st young lady.

  • DoubleVision

    Thanks mavie for the review.

    Third was a lifelong pioneer (in his 30's). No higher education. He has done whatever he could secularly to continue pioneering with his wife. He now lives on a farm cleaning horse stalls.

    How sad. I wonder if any of the GB have had to shovel horse crap for a living.


  • daniel-p
    Secular education can help us acquire basic skills:
    1.) Reading
    2.) Writing
    3.) Speaking clearly

    ...And thus the only three things you need to be a loyal Jehoober's Witless. The writing part though... you could probably do without that one since nowadays you only need to copy and paste your talks together with the WT CDROM.

  • Effervescent

    Ok... someone please please correct me if I'm wrong... but this whole thing about Jesus not having a secular education...

    I'm a little fuzzy on my bible verses these days, but Jesus didn't start his ministry until he was 30 did he? Wouldn't he have been training as a Carpenter until then? Which tells me he was focusing on learning a trade long into adulthood?

    John 7:18 has NOTHING to do with formal secular education. To me this scripture more debunks the notion that you have to have the help of MEN to learn bible truths. Especially when you take the scripture in with the surrounding ones. Thoughts on this?

    In fact... all of the scriptures cited have nothing to do with proving their point. I can see how they twist them, but still.... how can they base financial security on all this? argh!

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