JW use of federal bennies and illegal immigration

by dontomas 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • read good books
    read good books

    The last time I checked the USA was still a Democracy. So if they want a North American Union shouldn't that be put to a vote. We fought a revolution in order for the U.S. to become a country. The elitists are trying to destroy it and were suppose to sit back like passive sheep and accept the death of our country and it's borders. I refuse to. The USA is not a "state of mind" Mr. Bush it's a country, with a constitution, a bill of rights and borders. If you want to change that put it to a vote.I

  • LongHairGal


    You raised a good point. Sadly, I suspect the answer might probably be no or much fewer benefits. I get sick to my stomach when I read idiot comments about hating "whitey" and how certain people wish he was gone. Be careful what you wish for.

    The reason affirmative action and other things really exist is because of white governmental guilt for all the past injustices to people of color in this country because of slavery and mistreatment of native americans and others. If we all woke up tomorrow and the white man was gone from the U.S. (and I include Jewish people in this category) and the people left were foreign born asians, indians, and other people of color, the first question you have to ask yourself is: who will be ruling the place??? Next, you have to ask yourself: would these people be sympathetic to this cause? If they did not perpetrate any of the evils of slavery, and were instead victims of colonialism, they may not feel they owe anybody else anything. There may be some who are sympathetic, but there would have to be enough of them. Also, ask yourself: what kind of society do they come from? Is it democratic? Do they have human rights?

    I know this is all hypothetical and I don't want to put anybody down but you would have to realisticly answer these questions to get an answer and it may not be the answer you want.


  • heathen

    George Bush does not like democracy and thinks he can just write up executive orders for everything he does . I think he needs to be impeached and removed from office for abuse of power and high crimes . You notice he even keeps crying , executive priviledge so he feels he doesn't have to release information on things he does. The guy is a real creep .

  • bigdreaux

    longhairgirl, racism is wrong no matter what race it comes from. i don't believe in affirmative action. i have some black friends that were promoted because of it, and some of them turned it down on principal. i am white, and have no problem with another race being in the majority. i just think it'll be interesting to see if whites are treated as fairly as others when we are a minority. what happened in the past was horrible. slavery, segregation, theft of native american land, was all wrong. but, as someone told me, those looking in the past have their backs to the future.

  • G Money
    G Money

    Breeding, out of control, lazy free-loaders are bad for every country. I see many illegals in the US and Mexico and they all are screwed up, whether they be American, Canadian or Mexican. The Catholic church and its policy to allow the dumb and poor to breed more than they can sustain is the real culprit.

  • bigdreaux

    c'mon g money, don't hold back, tell us what you really think.

  • bigdreaux

    heathen, as much as i regret voting for w, when people cry impeachment, they have no legal leg to stand on. impeachment can only be done when laws are broken. sadly, you cannot be impeached for being an idiot.

  • heathen
    The Catholic church and its policy to allow the dumb and poor to breed more than they can sustain is the real culprit.

    Yah , I've often felt that way myself but when people are married they naturally want children for the most part . I can see not wanting to use contraceptives or profolactices but can't see the problem with a vesectomy. I don't think it's that major an opperation and can be reversed .

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