What Was your Favorite Music Concert you attended, group or solo artist?

by flipper 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Twitch- I bet the Stadium Arcadium tour show by Red Hot Chili Peppers rocked. That was my favorite cd for 2006, as a matter of fact my favorite cd release of the last 10 years at least. Great music!! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • ninja

    hey minimus...."earth wind and fire" reminds me of my wife's cooking.....my best gig ever was Captain Sensible (guitarist of the damned) at nice'n'sleazy's in Glasgow.....no bouncers.....me and my 2 mates got up on stage and I sung with the cap'n and I even got a strum of his guitar...backing group was a stiff little fingers tribute band....had an Australian staying with me and he said it was the best gig he had seen too and he didn't know "the damned" or SLF

  • Twitch
    Twitch- I bet the Stadium Arcadium tour show by Red Hot Chili Peppers rocked. That was my favorite cd for 2006, as a matter of fact my favorite cd release of the last 10 years at least. Great music!! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

    Yeah, it was awesome. They put on a great show, lotsa funky, freaky sh*t and the boys can play. Best CD by them since Blood Sugar,..IMO

  • middlechild

    ok, don't kill me, but Air Supply. twice...lol

    Brian Adams - really good

    the Cure - loved it!

    Meat Loaf - my parents got taken into the "library" for my singing "Paradise by the dashboard light" when i was young...

    I got grounded right before the Milli Vanili concert so i wasn't allowed to go...but u never know...may have been a favorite...lol

    Can't even tell you how many concerts I've been to at the local fair...last year was Pussycat dolls and Black Eyed Peas...seeing Hinder, Papa Roach and Buckcherry in August...may end up being one of the favs.

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    Large concerts;
    Rolling Stones Oct. 31, 1981. Started raining (then flooding) just after they hit the stage but as the tickets said, "Rain or shine". Opening acts were The Fabulous Thunderbirds & ZZ Top.

    Rush in Tucson in 1986. Got hit in the eye with a nail that day at work. Would have been ok but the stage show included huge banks of lights that they kept flashing INTO the audience. Painful! Dixie Dregs opened that one and that got me listening to them for awhile.

    Pink Floyd in 1987. I only really remember the flying pig zooming overhead.

    Stevie Ray Vaughan summer of 1987 I think - before he got straightened out. Guitar player I knew had a sister that worked for the sponsoring radio station and as the show ended she came out to get him through security to backstage. He later said there was more dope than you could imagine and a mountain of cocaine as a centerpiece. Hearsay I say.

    others include; Rush twice more early 21st century. Stones again a couple of years ago. I paid $200 for a seat and to me it was well worth it. It was a quick couple of hours though! When the small stage was moved out in the arena I was about 50' from the band. Love 'em or hate 'em but they do what they do well.

    Would drum clinics count? Terry Bozzio (Frank Zappa, Missing Persons & many more) is amazing. Liberty DeVito (Billy Joel}, Kenny Aronoff (John Mellencamp & more).

  • tijkmo
    I bet the Stadium Arcadium tour show by Red Hot Chili Peppers rocked.

    will be seeing this next month in glasgow...hope its good.

    elton john on sunday.

    (and no..drum clinics don't count...for anything...ever)

  • Shawn10538

    ELO in 1981, Time tour
    Jonathan Richman, anytime, anywhere

  • knock knock
    knock knock
    (and no..drum clinics don't count...for anything...ever)

  • restrangled

    When I was about 15 saw, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young...

    Later after I was married saw Pink Floyd with my husband and .....sorry, griped the entire time about their flying inflated pig over the audience. I had to be about 27 or 28. What a monronic xJw.


  • bigdreaux

    restrangled, you dare mock the flying pig? !?!?!?!?!

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