Why would a young sister marry an old brother?

by JH 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk
    You lied about your age, too?

    Who was talking about age?

    I just read that you were describing me to a tee.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    I know about 5 women who married men from 17 to 22 years their senior and are all having very good marraiges. I do believe it depends on the personalities of all involved.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    Can't get it up like you used to??? Yes, I mentioned that! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • nvrgnbk

    When I was young, I could do it all day.

    Now, it takes me all day to do it.

    -The Book of Nvr

  • free2think

    When I was young, I could do it all day.

    Now, it takes me all day to do it.

    -The Book of Nvr


    Sorry old man

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    The women who married older guys were around 18 when they got married. They have been married now for 20 years and have 1 to 2 kids from previous marraiges and also from their own. I mean the guys brought in the extra kids from before. There were the X-wives to deal with, but that would be true no matter the age. I see a wonderful life for you!

  • 5go
    The first time I had sex I lasted about 1.5 seconds. Now I will not climax unless I have pleased her first. Patience, technique, lasting longer. Many younger women know this about men

    I love how people attack men for bad sex when they are young. You want to get better sex give them more experience. It's not like they don't want to please.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    Dead at 34. Sex obituary??? Sorry, but still ROFLMFAO

  • Missanna

    man, there is no better sex than with an experienced man. thats another reason to go for the older guys. (sigh)

  • JH

    I wonder why we don't see as many younger brothers marrying much older sisters....compared to older brothers marrying younger sisters.

    The greatest age difference I saw a brother and an older sister getting married was 11 years apart. He was 32 and she was 43. They got married a few years ago.

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