Very interesting subject, and comments from all. In the last congregation I was in, it was necessary to call the local Police Dept. of certain towns before we went from door-to-door. The brother leading the group made the call, gave police the license plate #'s of all cars involved. He also gave his name. Personally I thought that such an arrangement was sufficient.
It is a very sensitive balancing act when it comes to personal rights as opposed to the rights of the community.
Unfortunately, too often we allow government to limit our rights in what is usually a knee-jerk reaction to one crisis or another. Many times its a "feel-good" move.
I am just wondering, is the Ohio situation due to an outcry from the community, or is the city just trying to collect $$ from permits? (hmmm, imagine if they charged by the hour?)
By way of example, I remember when they made SEAT BELTS the law here in NJ. "It will never be a reason for a primary stop", is what the lawmakers told us, "we just want to save lives."
Five years later, it DID become a reason for a PRIMARY STOP by State Troopers and local cops, and you get points on your license. It is also a bargaining chip in court-prosecuters routinely allow motorists to "plea down" to a seat belt infraction. The raeson??? The ALMIGHTY DOLLAR in municipal courts. But another aspect of this seat belt crap is, that by letting cops stop folks for such a dumb infraction, they also got the chance to search vehicles-does NJ's RACIAL PROFILING debacle come to mind?
We must be very careful where we let our government tread when it comes to personal rights and freedoms-DONT let them "feel-good" us to death!!!