... but we're not racist/prejudiced

by ithinkisee 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • ithinkisee

    I worked in the sound department for Regional Building Committees, as well as in the congregations.

    I did this on the east coast of the US, the West Coast of the US, and South Florida.

    No matter where I went, the poor state of the local congregations sound system was ALWAYS the fault of the Spanish brothers.

    Hey, but at least they're not prejudiced.

    ANyone else have some great experience dealing with the subtle and not-so-subtle congregation racism?


  • mrsjones5

    When I was 13 my family moved from a mostly Black town to a mostly white town (when we got there I think there were only 2 or 3 other Black families out of a population of aprox. 50,000) so of course our new congregation was mostly white with one other Black family. A sister by the name of Hubbard (I can see her now - rail thin, haughtly attitude, snide remarks- I later studied with her, guess I was into torture ) asked me and my sister if we had made any friends in the congregation and I think we replied in the negative and I'll remember what she said to the day I die "Well I guess you're just not used to being around your own kind."


  • eclipse


    Some people are truly stupidly ignorant aren't they?

    If anyone said that to you right now, what you say?

  • mrsjones5

    I really don't think anyone would say that to me now. I was an easy target at 13. People tend to be very nice to a six foot tall 240 pound woman who doesn't smile much. Besides I'm not that quick with a comeback but maybe I would say "Oh honey we really don't need to see your racist side right now."

  • zeroday

    I was at a DC assembly once and a black elder was giving a talk on the platform. This white brother sitting next to me (I had known him for years) leaned over to me and said, "Where else can these people get power and respect". I sat there thinking, "I didn't just hear this did I".

  • blondie

    I was told not to marry a black brother since blacks are inferior mentally from white people.

    Actually, what man is Blondie's equal mentally.............

  • nvrgnbk

    Actually, what man is Blondie's equal mentally.............

    You go girl! LOL!

    Glad you posted this ithinkisee.

    I was in the Spanish for 15 years. The english-speaking brothers, with some few exceptions of course, both white and black, were always very condescending towards the Hispanics.

    Made me sick.

  • Finally-Free

    I knew a pioneer™ sister™ who stated on many occasions that black people were shiftless, immoral, and leaned toward a criminal lifestyle. The only exception to that were the ones who were JWs, because they had "the truth". Yet it was usually black people who were her return visits™ and bible studies™. They were friendly to her, and generous, while the white JWs treated her like dirt.

    It's always good to get to know a person very well before marrying them.


  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    complete hogwash of course.

    Ive stayed at Joburg , Bethel South Africa on more than one occasion.The Blacks there were treated no better than in the Apartheid system.

    Waiters,cleaners,laundry..all the Black Bros.It was suggested to me that this was because they hadnt received a decent education under previous Apartheid regime.Wtf?So,i spoke to a few Blacks.Naturally there were just as many intelligent People there as the Whites and Indians.

    I have seen the opposite is true in some Congs in the London area where Black witnesses were openly hostile to others..especially Pakistani Witnesses...and vice versa.

    They are no differant imo than any other sector of society.Bigotry is always there.


    I had no idea how racist people were until I hired a Black Girl in one of my shops..She was beautifull and smart,training to become a lawyer..One of the best employee`s I`ve ever had..It was all the talk at the other shops how OUTLAW had hired a Black Girl..LOL!!..They were nice to her,but there was an underlying predudice..I let them choke on it..LOL!!...OUTLAW

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