We don't live long enough to see Jehovah's promises

by truthseeker 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • SPAZnik

    What pisses me off about this is that over the years, anyone that disagreed with that teaching in the first place through their own conscientious study of things would have been disfellowshipped, shunned, family torn asunder, psychologically stoned to death as it were....only to receive NO apology or invitation back of any kind once the org itself finally aligned itself to the very thinking of the individual they so humbly and lovingly (not) rejected.

    They can boast about new light all they want. There's nothing new under the sun.

  • nvrgnbk
    psychologically stoned to death

    I love that SPAZnik. Can I use it?

  • Flowerpetal
    "If you are a young person, you will have to face the fact that you will never grow old in this system of things." Awake 1969

    Boy, did I fall for this one! At the time, I was very excited to be very, very close to living in the "new world" (as it was called when I was a child) and living the reality, doing all the things I dreamed doing since childhood.

  • Flowerpetal
    It's so utterly pointless for the WT to use the old Habakkuk irony - "even if it should delay, it will not be late"

    And then they would blame the R&F for feeling guilty if they were delaying it in their own minds. As if we are responsible for Armageddon not coming.

  • SPAZnik

    nvr - yes you may :)

  • lonelysheep
    Is it any wonder that lack of faith in the organization and the Bible in general is because people simply don't live long enough to see God's promises?

    People years ago didn't live long enough, neither will we and neither will future generations. Life keeps going on and on and those same words (verses) keep being repeated with no end in sight. It's one big circle that doesn't break, unless you don't believe that stuff, of course!

    Life is here, yet we were taught to keep looking out for it to end! Geesh!

  • Blueblades

    Because they are promises with a catch!


  • Scully

    This realization was one of the big things for me in deciding to pursue my own goals, rather than surrender my life to the service of the WTS.

    There was no way I was going to piss my life away the way I'd seen other people do, waiting for Jehovah's promises to be fulfilled.


    Are they Gods promises?..Or..A corrupt publishing companys promises?.....The WBT$ has been peddling Lies for years...OUTLAW

  • startingover

    Thanks Truthseeker.

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