Jws act like they don't remember their past teachings

by Blindbutnowisee 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blindbutnowisee

    Two Jws came knocking to my door. Instead of ingnoring the knock, I decided to answer. With fixed smiles on their faces, one of the ladys offer me a flyer concerning the District Convention. I told her I was not interested in their religion.

    Why were organ transplants once banned but now it is a concious decision

    Why do you say that god forbid the use of blood but Jws are allowed to indulge in certain blood fractions

    Why did Jehovah witnesses predicted that the world would end in 1975

    They both told me that they came into the "TRUTH" in the early seventies, and to their knowlege organ transplants has always been a concious decision. The reason why they are now permitted to take blood fractions, is because they have to keep up with technolgy. They claimed that some of the blood fractions don't really come from blood. My response was well why do they call it blood fraction? They told me that they will have to do research on that. As for as for 1975 " Oh that was just a few over zealous brothers whom came to their own conclusions. She said that the org never promoted such a thing.

    I asked her if she would be able to look up some of the old articles from that time. She said she would do some research. Its been a week I'v have not her back from her yet.

  • poppers

    Good for you Blind. Make 'em squirm with their own teachings.

  • Fatfreek

    One phrase comes to mind:

    Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon first identified by Leon Festinger. It occurs when there is a discrepancy between what a person believes, knows and values, and persuasive information that calls these into question. The discrepancy causes psychological discomfort, and the mind adjusts to reduce the discrepancy. In ethics, cognitive dissonance is important in its ability to alter values, such as when an admired celebrity embraces behavior that his or her admirers deplore. ...

    Len Miller

  • NotaNess

    Hey, if they visit again and you give them more info, even if they are trying to counter your info, ask that "when they break free from the mind control, will they come back and visit" to let you know and say thanks.

  • jaguarbass

    It will fry your brain talking to them dingbats, they are just like politicians.

    I was in the organization in 75, I didnt want the world to end. It wasnt a few overzealous brothers it came from brooklyn and is documented in their literature.

  • Mysterious

    I think a lot of them honestly overwrite the old teachings with the current one. After all there is only one truth right? Those that left have an easier time remembering the snapshots because we know we weren't always at war with Eurasia...

  • Hortensia

    I was in the org. from 1956 to 1983 - and they definitely expected armageddon in 1975 no matter how much they lie about it now.

  • erandir
    Those that left have an easier time remembering the snapshots because we know we weren't always at war with Eurasia...

    Mysterious, I love that book. It reminded me of so many aspects of the organization. Maybe the J-dubs should change their name to Big Brother's Witnesses.

    About the not remembering their past teachings, some of the newer ones like my wife and I refused to acknowledge the real truth. We were surrounded by "friends" who kept up that song that the "Society" never endorsed 1975 and that it was due to a few independently minded brothers. I finally broke free from that, did my own research, saw it for myself, and believed that, yes, prior to 1975, the publications pointed very clearly to 1975 as the year of the end. My wife still doesn't want to acknowledge it for various reasons, one of which is that she doesn't want to lose her friends. The difference between us is that I no longer attend meetings, but she still does. She's still surrounded by the propaganda and the control.

    Likewise, those two women at the door obviously didn't know what they were talking about, or if they did, just glossed over it because they are afraid of standing for the real truth and being expelled from their comfortable social circle.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    In the Borg, ignorance is heavenly bliss!


    JW`s are some of the dumbest animals on the planet..It`s self inflicted..They lie.They know,we know,they lie..But..The WBT$ must be protected at any cost.....When you catch them in a lie..They are always going to research the question.You never see them again...OUTLAW

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