by erik 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona

    Hi Erik

    You raised some good questions. It seems to me that you are trying to prove JWs "right", just by the tone of your emails etc. Or maybe you are hoping that you'll find something convincing thats "wrong" with JWs?

    Anyway, I stopped attending 2 years ago, (not DF or DA) and I'd like to tell you a little about what made me leave (sort of a list, like yours! )

    1. Spirituality should not be about judging others ourselves, whether that be their views on religion or their practices. We may feel that something they believe or think doesnt agree with scripture *in our opinion and interpretation of scripture*, and we are welcome to tell them so. If they choose to continue with their path then so be it.

    Jehovahs Witnesses, as some other religions, tend to view those not JW as "wicked" those who question too much as "apostate", and frankly accept no freedom of religion. Jesus said love those persecuting you, so surely he also meant love those who have a different view of God. In saying love them, he meant agape love - unselfish, UNCONDITIONAL love, the sort that God gives to us. Jehovahs Witnesses are conditional in their true love, not unconditional. I personally think that this is wrong.

    You may say JWs are showing love to preach, well they are, of a sort. Really though, that preaching love is simply a "concern" based on the belief that people should be JW or face judgement. Its not the same sort of agape love Jesus mentioned (IMHO).

    I know of other religions that encourage real love in their community, churches who help those less fortunate.

    2. The Jehovahs Witnesses base everything on the bible. This would be OK, however, it seems that they have altered their bible to suit their doctrine. You can argue all of these doctinal issues all day, but if you knew for sure that JWs had wrongly changed their bible translation from the original meaning, surely this would tell you they are not the best religion to be associated with?

    e.g. In the New World Translation, every time the Greek word "proskuneo" is used with reference to God, it is translated "worship" (Rev 5:14, 7:11, 11:16, 19:4 John 4:20 etc.) Every time it is used with reference to Jesus, it is translated "obeisance" (Matt 14:33, 28:9, 28:17, Luke 24:52 etc.)even though its the same word in Greek. See the Greek Interlinear which shows this clearly. Why would they do this? To support their doctrine?

    If the name Jehovah was so important, why is it never used in the entire Greek New Testament? If men edited the name out, when they copied the NT, as only the watchtower claims, then how can we have ANY confidence in any of the New Testament?

    The NWT translates "kyrios" as Jehovah more than 25 times in the New Testament (Matt 3:3, Luke 2:9, Acts 21.14, etc). Why is the NWT not consistent in translating Kyrios as Jehovah in Rom 10:9, 1Cor12:3, Phil 2:11, 2 Thess 2:1 etc.? See Greek Interlinear.

    3. I dont belong to any group or religion at the moment, yet I believe I am a spiritual person and always aim to be loving to others. Look around at people in other religions. Are they really the wicked, hateful people that the Watchtower describe? Some people in all groups will be found who maybe arent loving. But look at the worlds religions, with "open eyes" not through the JW spectacles. You will be very, very surprised to see the wealth of deep spirituality and love there.

    As far as pagan holidays, have you ever read about Celtic Spirituality? The celts were essentially pagan before being taken over by the church, and they are responsible for beautiful poetry and art to the praise of God. Paganism isnt necessarily about "wicked, evil Devil worshippers"! As a JW, I myself condemned other religions, but I think you should assess them for what they are, objectively.

    So controversial as this may be, I will leave you with a Celtic blessing:
    May you recognise in your life the presence, power and light of your soul.
    May you realise that you are never alone, that your soul in its brightness and belonging connects you intimately with the rhythm of the universe.
    May you have respect for your own individuality and difference.
    May you realise that the shape of your soul is unique, that you have a special destiny here,
    That behind the facade of your life there is something beautiful, good and eternal happening.
    May you learn to see yourself with the same delight, pride and expectation with which God sees you in every moment.


  • erik


    Can you please give me your email address as I would like to chat with you further.


  • OhHappyDay

    Hi Erik, I already mailed You privately.
    Happy Day!!

  • Sirona

    Hi Erik,

    I changed my details, so you can email me by clicking the letter icon on the left.


  • xjw_b12

    Hello Erik.
    Like yourself I am new here, but have been an interested observer for a couple of months as the pedophile and U.N. stories developed and I decided to "log on".
    I saw your S.O.S and you have received a wealth of info to start digesting. However I wanted to point out a typical mental/knee-jerk reaction you and your parents made.
    Oh No! It's Armageddon.... the society was right....I'm going to die!
    Myself, I recalled the picture in the orange Paradise Lost book of the buildings toppling and people fleeing in terror. And I smiled. Not because of the horror of the situation, but thinking how the dub's were going to turn that around and use it to console and convince themselves that all things were occurring as predicted. I can imangine there was/will be a temporary increase in meeting attendance until people regain their senses.
    That is a typical response of those that have left, but still have doubts, and shows how religion can prey on your fears to keep you in line. ie Catholic church and hellfire etc. Take a deep breath and analyze all the info you have access to and very discreetly share this info with your parents, or point them to the web pages you have been given.
    It must give you hope and make you feel better when you see all the people who have taken time out to respond to your cry for help.
    Good Luck [ i can say that now ]

  • cyrano

    Too Concerned Fiance:

    Erik needs all the support he can get right now. Stick by him.

    The WTS is a cult who's bussiness is fear and mental entrapment. It's not his fault, please work with him through these tough times. I know, I went through the same situation with my wife.

    Erik, think about what the WTS said in Awake magazines before 1995 about it's purpose: '...to fulfill God's promise that the generation that saw 1914 would not pass away.'

    The WTS removed 'God's promise' from their Awake magazines since 1995, check it out. Since when did God stop keeping His promise? Or maybe the WTS should stop speaking for Him.

    If you doubt the blood policy, knowing that it might be wrong, innocent children have died needlessly. Murdered by a cult who only seeks control of it's members.

    Continue to be completely honest about the WTS and it's history and you will find they are really just another man made organization.
    They have just used people over the years and NOT ONE prediction they have ever made has come true.

    Think about their victims who died needlessly, because they were not allowed to get a kidney transplant, only to have the WTS say it wasn't God's will after all. Kidney transplants are now allowed.

    Does this sound like God is running the WT or some old out of touch men in Brooklyn?

    Things to think about, and I hope things work out for the better.

  • ofcmad

    Dear Erik,

    "What is truth?". This was the inevitable question asked to Jesus Christ himself by Pontius Pilot in John 18:38.

    The truth of God is to set us free. Unfortunately you are experiencing the enslavement of fear and uncertainty. I empathize with you. I was raised in the "truth" and was baptized at 12. I then disassociated myself around age 21. I have been out of the "truth" for 6 years. It has been a difficult road. When all that you have know to be true, is now full of deception, it is a difficult pill to swallow. My brother right now is about where you are at, and I feel for you.

    Not all that are "apostates" lie. There are many who tell of their personal experiences which may at first seem extreme. And remember, the congregation is made up of human men and women, living in different areas, with different cultural influences. Some bodies of elders may seem more liberal then others. This is also difficult to comprehend because the Society constantly preaches the ideals of "unity". For myself, being a part of three different congregations, I can see those differences.

    For myself, and I can probably speak to many others, I don't hate the individual witnesses. Many are very sincere and have no intention of lying or attempting to purposely decieve people. Infact, I feel that there are many intelligent people in the WBTS. I know for myself, I wouldn't consider myself stupid. However, I was ignorant. Refusing to read or look into other "religious" materials. I felt this was for my own protection. Then like you, things had started to personally affect me in my life. It caused me to question why I believed in what I did. After all, what is the harm in questioning truth? Truth will stand up to the toughest of scrutiny. Even the WBTS acknowledges that.

    To wrap up this story, I learned enough about the TRUE GOD, that I am no longer enslaved to religion or man. Christian religions (most protestant religions, baptist, presbyterian, methodist, ect,) may be diverse on conscience lifestyle issues..i.e., alcohol being a sin. But I can tell you from my own experiences, they are united on the major issues, who God is, how we obtain salvation (faith not works) and other major stuff. In your research, you will learn why churches have state or governmental flags flying, celebration of holidays. You have a lot of questions that will take time to answer.

    The only peice of advice I can give you is to PRAY. That will help you greatly. Also read. Knowledge IS power.

    You will be in my prayers. If you need anything, including prayer, please don't hesitate to contact me. [email protected]
    You will usually see me in the user created rooms of Yahoo instant messenger. Hope to see you there.


    "Noah was a drunk and look what he accomplished." The Metatron/Dogma

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