Are UFO’s Fact or Fiction?

by The wanderer 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    I mean respectfully,


    (The Wanderer)

  • Terry

    You have to keep something in mind when you discuss U F O 'S.

    The "U" stands for Un as in UNidentified.

    That means we can't identify it.

    So, we don't know.

    When we start speculating, asserting, conjecturing, etc. we leave all knowledge behind.

    Without any facts we can't have any valid conclusions.

    I've seen things in the sky I could not identify. That's all I can say.

  • heathen

    True terry but most people mean they see alien flying space craft when the say UFO .Just about everything you and I see has a logical explanation that doesn't involve alien life visiting our planet. Of course we live in a strange universe and can see things that nobody can explain because light reflection in certain conditions in the atmosphere or simply our minds play tricks on us.

  • Tigerman


  • Abaddon

    The wanderer

    Please realise I am not having a 'go' at you personally, but at the argument you are advancing.

    My understanding about "fairies" in Ireland is that
    they are "evil" mythological creatures. However,
    in the United States "fairies" are supposed to
    be "good" creatures.

    How are they viewed in England?

    As mythological creatures? What does it matter what the local fairy stories (BIG clue in that phrase) say? It has no more relevance than Dementors being bad in Harry Potter; Dementors are made up, so are fairies. Prove otherwise. And note the psychology you display; you go from pondering the nature of UFO's to pondering the nature of fairies when NEITHER have ONE shred of proof. Isn't that sugestive of something about your method of analysing things, as distinct from fairies or UFO's?

    I know this is a silly question to ask, however,
    I am looking at this from a standpoint of critical

    You are? Where is the critical bit? You are PRESUPPOSING folk tales have validity and using this to critique FAKE photos of fairies.

    That's not critical thinking Richard.



  • Dansk
    But that doesn't mean they are alien. Or anything else geee-whizzz, apart from a few occasions where people have 60'd the next generation of millitary aircraft in testing.

    This is exactly the point! People have been seeing UFO's for generations but:

    1) Their craft (most people regard them as aliens) are always superiour to anything we ever have denoting they are of superiour intelligence and yet they NEVER land here to either increase our intelligence or take us over! Think about it! NASA is already planning to land on Mars and set up a "colony" there and we're supposedly inferior to the aliens that keep visiting us - so why haven't the aliens set up a colony? Strewth, they've been "visiting" us long enough!

    2) Photographs are always fuzzy - but even if they were clear they'd be fake! Sheesh!!

    Yes, there are sometimes "mysterious" objects in the skies - I've seen them myself - but I have no doubt that one day all such phenomena will be explained away by science (if it hasn't already) - and it won't be through extra terrestrials!


  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Perhaps, I should have clarified my position. Sorry,
    responded late last night.

    I was looking at the fairies mythology as to why
    would a person believe in it?

    So, I asked the question for the purposes of
    trying to understand the perspective.

    First, "I traveled nearly 100 years into the

    Second, the country was England and I needed
    to know what the perception of these "fairies"
    were at the time? and why would individuals
    be prone to believe in them?

    I asked these questions because "believers" are prone
    to accept such "evidence" whereas someone who is skeptical
    or an "unbeliever" would dismiss it.

    Either perspective does not establish a position
    as being correct until there is proof to establish
    one over the other.


    I understand what you introduced regarding the mention of
    these "fairies". In one respect, to show me that photo
    editing or manipulation has been going on for nearly
    100 years.

    This has been established with the "fairies" reference.


    I think we are agreed on 3 aspects.

    1. Unidentified Flying Objects do exist. (However, this
    does not verify alien life.)

    2. Photo manipulation or editing has been going on for
    100 years or nearly.

    3. There are alternative explanations to UFO's, Sundogs
    being an alternative example.


    I wish to discuss the issue further with you Gyles (Abbadon)
    however, not today. I would be interested in your perspective
    on certain matters.


    However, I would like to establish guidelines for future

    1. A level of respect for the other's perspective.

    2. Sources of information not simply opinions.

    If this can be established then I will welcome any said



    (The Wanderer)

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Final Thought for today Gyles.

    When I engage in a discussion I work "backwards",
    the starting point being the source of information

    My approach is somewhat journalistic.

    Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?

    No such opinions or "evidence" can be established
    without a creditable source of reference material.


    Buffoonery is unacceptable, sources such as The National Enquirer, or The Mirror.



    (The Wanderer)

  • Dansk


    No need to keep signing your name and then your avatar name in brackets. We all know who you are just by glancing to the left!

    BTW, I haven't noticed any of Gyles' posts to you being disrespectful! Gyles tells it as it is and I for one wouldn't have it any other way.



  • hillary_step


    Thw Wanderer has a certain modus in his posting style that demands that you respect being patronized, enjoy a condescending tone in your life, and that you also post according to the instructions that he has laid down.

    What his posts are generally devoid of, is any serious content.


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