job loss

by BlackSwan of Memphis 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams


    What are your professions?


  • free2think

    I'm really sorry BSoM. I hope your husband is able to find some more work.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Snakes: Thank you for the info! I have heard good things about MO as far as employment and property. I appreciate the update on the schools, as we have two girls school age.

    I will definitely keep you updated.

    Greendawn: Well, we have a business we have been working at and we are spending a great deal of time today discussing where we go from here.

    Vernon: Mine? Ha, I clean houses (yeah yeah I know the ol' jw jokes) and his is basically production, he has worked as what is called a mailer in the production dept of the local newspaper.

    Free: Thanks sweety.

    This is just plain scary.

    I have been spending quite a bit of time looking through the links. There are lots of production opportunities through the US. What we will have to figure out is cost of living in each area and figure the best place to go.

    The change that is coming is scaring the crap out of me. He's not worried right now, he's said that he's ready for a change. So, I'm glad he's staying positive. I'm worried. But I'm the worrier between the two of us.

  • Junction-Guy

    UT? as in University of Tennessee? that's cool.

    Do you have alot of family/friends in Michigan? If so, I wouldnt recommend moving out of state. Having family and friends is priceless.

    If not, then I would recommend Texas. Texas has something to offer everyone.

    I hope things work out for you, and you can stay where you are.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Like leaving the borg change can be scary. You are right I have been saying for a while MI is a dead state. Just look at the housing market and the job loss. For too long they have riden the coat tails of the auto industry and have followed them down in flames.

    There is good news tho. There are other places out there, with up and coming ecconomys and markets. I hear that Wyoming is desparate for workers. I personally have been looking to move to phoenix. They have great weather year round (I'm going back in august to see if I can stand the 3 digit heat.) It's a very progressive state that has planed their growth cycle very well.

    Take care and always, no matter what, keep your head up.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Yo Darth, mmhm, I hear ya. MI is just not moving forward. And while I could probably go on for hours about why, I won't because that won't help. You are right, there Are other places out there and that's what we're banking on. It's going to take a little time to figure out how to do this well and good, but we'll be ok. Phoenix is supposed to be a great place! Mr.Swan keeps saying Vegas, I don't know though. I think that considering our circumstances with our daughter (Hannah) we really need to be careful about schools. Good luck with what you do!!!!

    Junction: Utah. My family are all JW and for the most part have nothing to do with me. That is a whole other issue at present, but truthfully I am not even going to put my energy into them by discussing it. HIS family, he has a mom that is in her 70's and two brothers he is not that close with. The older one he has been working with might retain his job, but if he loses it, he's likely heading to Vegas. The younger one really has little to do with anyone of us. He has a huge chip on his shoulder, so not a lot of love lost there. The mom is an issue of sorts, but I think it'll work out one or another.

  • badwillie

    ... best job search site by FAR!

  • unique1
  • Brigid

    Hey hon, good luck to you. We are working with MI transferees right now so I know very well how abyssmal the market is. Our peeps all have guaranteed buyouts but that doesn't help you much.

    Have discussed w/DS and will try to help in whatever way I can.

    R U thinking Texas for relo?

    Love and Light, not to mention good ole' hugs,


  • Brigid

    p.s. forgive me if I missed this (dont' have time to read all) but do you guys just wnat out of MI? Are you even pursuing transferring with hubby's job?

    Curious and want to help. Need more input.

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