Who masterminded the WT mind control 'routine'? Was it deliberate?

by Gill 46 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • watson

    It is as if someone is whispering in their ears every morning to 'remember, don't do this, don't do that, do this and do that.'

    You nailed it.

  • Gill

    Certainly mind control!

    Perhaps this is why it is less easy to control people who are well educated, in a good job, very busy with their lives / work / children etc.

    If a person can't fit the WT baloney into their lives they find 'walking away' a lot easier!

  • dedpoet

    I've just been refreshing my memory about the first two watchtower
    presidents, CT Russell and Judge Rutherford. It seems that both of
    them were very dictatorial, especially Rutherford, who seemed to
    be able to get his followers to delay marriage, not have children, and
    even build him a luxury villa in San Diego (Beth Sarim).

    I guess if someone seems sincere enough, or shouts loud enough,
    they will always attract followers, some of whom will obey their every
    word, in effect handing over control of their minds to these people.

    The watchtower leaders of today may not be as charismatic as CTR
    and the judge, but I imagine that they remember how easily those
    two controlled their followers, and adopt the same tactics - always
    demanding more money, more time, more commitment to the various
    duties from the present-day jws. Coupled with the state of expectancy
    of "the end" that all jws are taught to live in, and being constantly
    reminded of how costly slacking off in these "last days of this system"
    could be definitely contibutes to the org's ability to control so many of
    their members.

    Mybe CTR didn't set out to control his followers to the extent that he
    eventually did, but I'd say every watchtower leader since has done so.
    CTR taught them how to do it, and they learned their lessons very well.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Even their own literature lets us know that staying busy in their phoney Lord's Work keeps
    the average member from getting in trouble in the world.

    J.F. Rutherford loved to control the flock. I think he was no more than a typical flim-flam
    artist who got the reigns of the corporation and tried to keep the money flowing in while he
    did not live the life of a JW. He instituted the full lifestyle keeping the flock busy. N. Knorr
    was trying to keep the organization at its peak efficiency and furthered what Rutherford had

    It was deliberate to do whatever controlled rank and file best. Since their time, a formula of
    sorts was developed, and further control is understood, but many think its for the members'
    own good, because they need to be kept under control. There is not a mastermind in
    control nowadays, but there are lawyers who guide many decisions to minimize damages.

  • flipper

    Gill- Mr. Flipper here- Was raised in the org. from birth. and yes I feel the mind control was and is perfectly choreographed to keep the "sheep" in line. The governing body and "slave" do that to promote their interpretations of scriptures to dictate how and what the witnesses should think. Remember it's the nature of cults to use terms like shunning "independent thinking" don't be "rebellious" towards the organization. The governing body I feel really wants the witnesses to look to them as the authority than God himself. So yes it's deliberate to keep the rank and file members under mind control so the governing body can be recipients of donations, trust funds of older wealthy members and to be able to attain any estates that faithful jdubs will leave them I think the societys motives are highly unscrupulous and demented, and immoral. Just look at how they have tried to damage control the release of information with the child molestation coverup. Do you think they want most of their members knowing about that? Hell no! It would reveal too much. So, yes resoundingly they intentionally try to control these people.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    I have the feeling that most on this discussion board no longer get the "Examining the Scriptures Daily," daily text book. It would be worth getting if you can.

    I found this site - are these the official ones or is it something the site owner makes themselves?


  • garybuss

    The meeting were optional. Receiving and reading the printed literature was the focus. Remember this group started out as a publishing and later a printing company.

    How do you boil a live frog? Put him in a pan of cold water and when he's comfortable, turn up the heat. Same way with the high control groups. First get em in the pot, then turn up the heat.

    It seems to me that the more rigid and controlling the group becomes, the less they focus on teachings, and the more they focus on the control, the better they are doing. These guys are on track for 100,000 congregations and on track for 7 million literature distributing members.

    That's pretty impressive. Me thinks the high control is here to stay. Since the big screws came out in 1981, these guys have done nothing but add members and make money. They built and paid for Patterson all since the donation policy came into effect in the early 1990's. Now they have plans to add to the skyline of Brooklyn New York. This is some serious cash these guys have.

  • ninja

    Hey Gary...about that boiling frog analogy.....who first of all popped a wee frog into a pan of water then turned the heat up till it "croaked"??.....then boasted about it to their mates...there are mental folk out there.....ninja

  • Mum

    They have all of the mind control bases covered. I remember when they changed the wording in the NWT where the scripture (I have forgotten chapter and verse) about fathers not irritating their children, but go bringing them up i"n the authoritative advice (changed to mental regulating) of Jehovah"

    I remember Bill Cetnar stating that there are two reasons for everything: the reason given, and the real reason. Bill pointed out that the real reason JW's don't celebrate holidays is that they are often family centered, exposing the JW to non-JW family members and taking time from recruiting more adherents to dubdom.



  • 5go

    The more I study from an outside point of view the more I have to say it is deliberate. There is no excuse or biblical reason for the things they do. That and the scriptures they point out to back it up when read in context really have nothing to do with the rule they say it that it does have.

    All they are doing is trying to hold these people into a victorian/1950 mindset or idea to their detriment. Not really even trying to hold them to what the bible says but to what 1900/1950 ideas of what the bible said.

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