Who masterminded the WT mind control 'routine'? Was it deliberate?

by Gill 46 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Gill

    Bumble Bee - Thanks! That's the one!

    It is very ominous to think that people actually sit down and plan this kind of thought control for their own ends.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    I've only read a few days worth of the daily texts and I get what you meant already! It seems very focused on 'them and us' and 'how to get them to join us' at the moment.

    I'm sure some of the folks here could have fun doing an alternative daily text edit on JWD!

  • MadTiger

    It was not that bad.

    When I thought it was the truth, that is.

  • WTWizard

    There is a nefarious purpose for this schedule. You go out in service all day, and then study and go to meetings. This takes virtually all the time. Why? So the people involved will not have the chance to do any of the things that regular people do, like education. They impose this schedule on school children so they will be tired when taking tests, flunk, and not understand the science. Then the Craptower comes up with the scam version, and they believe it.

    This also keeps people too tired to think straight. You are less likely to think about whether it is even worth it to get into a stagnant new order if you are tired than if you are not. And you are less likely to spot blatant irregularities within the doctrine and within the congregation (and in your life) while you are tired. What you are likely to do is to remember the doctrine that they are constantly teaching, because you are hypnotized. And then it is going to have a bigger effect.

    Of course, it also stops people from doing other things. You cannot go to the amusement park because of all the service. A regular camping trip is out of the question because you have to do meeting/service. Projects like starting a home business are also impossible if you have to do meetings, study, or service every two seconds. Reading a good (=demonic) novel is also impossible. Why, they are becoming so tight with time that to listen to a single good (=dirty) song would be impossible since you are supposed to be either studying, at a meeting, or out in service!

    Who did this? Russell started it, but did not get that far. It was Booze Rutherford (Advertise, Advertise, Advertise!) that really got it rolling. He was the one that started many of the meetings, the preaching work as we know it, and all that studying for those meetings. Of course, later leaders continued to add to it. And the process is ongoing. More boasting sessions to prepare, more service. But Drunkardford did the majority of this.

  • watson


    I thought the same thing. It just takes a little more time than I can spend to do it. It would be a real eye opener for many here at JWD. Another subject that is subtly there all the time is, "respect for our provisions," "slave," etc.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    I still study older WT literature...much like a lawyer going over contracts.

    I must say this: it is mindless repetition. Over and over and over: like a scene from a Pee Wee Herman movie going over and over and over: never ends. (.....and over....did I mention that, agian?..over and over....Gawd.....)

    Also, the "shaded" meanings of the words: likely, seemingly, probably...somebody posted all these words on a post several weeks ago. Then, they go forward as if it were fact.

    The level of writing...as I said before it would bore an intelligent eighth grader in a few minutes.

    The WT is, still, as we have been saying, a PRINTING company. Notice everything mentioned is IN PRINT. Every way you turn you have something in your hands that is a potential profit maker. Once that is understood, everything falls in place. It is not so much mind control as it is a by product of publishing. Is this wierd or what?

    I am sooooooo thankful to not be wrapped up in that mess, now,

    V (oh....and over and over....)

  • Quentin

    My father was a staunch r&f jw, which is all our family ever was...YOU DID NOT MISS MEETINGS FOR ANY REASON...

    Example...every Saturday night the local skating rink had two hours of skating followed by a two hour sock hop...I went every Saturday night. Why? No meetings, or any other jw activity. As long as there was no jw activity going on I was allowed to have a social life outside the kh. In fact my father was more concerened with my jw friends than any "worldy" friends, or school chums I ran around with. Meeting attendence and door to door was the only strict control he demaned of me.

    Oddly enough it worked, even after I got older and was perrty much my own man I never missed a meeting or field service. Maybe old dad was smater than I realize, because I was a true believer...no matter how many times I went to the skating rink, or to the movies the wt always came frist...meeting night I was there, fs, I was there...indoctrination at it's finist...

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    The WT is, still, as we have been saying, a PRINTING company. Notice everything mentioned is IN PRINT. Every way you turn you have something in your hands that is a potential profit maker. Once that is understood, everything falls in place. It is not so much mind control as it is a by product of publishing. Is this wierd or what?

    Anybody know who they buy their paper from? Do they shop it around, or do they / have they always bought it from the same company? Maybe THAT'S where the money is going. Would be interested to know who are principal stock-owners (or sole owners) of the paper company.

  • zack

    The answer to your question is :Satan.

  • Gill

    Zack - Perhaps this is why the WT Society can claim to know so much about 'Satan'. They claim he is a master of disguise, pretending to be a 'good guy' and a 'deceiver'. Rather clever that a book publishing company out for a big profit and keeping its members under strict mind control is pretending to be the only true religion on Earth!!

    I remember one lady when we were out in FS way back in the 1980's. She had been a 'magazine route' for a few months. One day she said she didn't want the mags anymore and hadn't we noticed that they say the same thing over and over again? Why did we think they did that? Took years for that to sink into my thick skull!

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