Bringing Children Into This World

by Mysterious 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I have no problem with people choosing not to have children if it's for the right reasons, not because they've been deceived into believing it's an unloving thing, that the world is so horrible. I have two older sisters and an older brother, all of whom have chosen not to have kids until the new system comes. It makes me sad, because they all like kids, and I know they would have chosen to have them if they weren't so brainwashed.

  • changeling

    Having children is one of the most wonderful things life has to offer. It's also a very personal and serious desicion that each individual should come to in his or her own time.

  • nvrgnbk
    It makes me sad, because they all like kids, and I know they would have chosen to have them if they weren't so brainwashed.

    Criminal, isn't it keyser soze?

    Having children is one of the most wonderful things life has to offer. It's also a very personal and serious desicion that each individual should come to in his or her own time.

    Nicely put changeling.

  • mtsgrad

    if the kids turned out anything like me, I'd say never have kids or sex.

  • Mysterious

    mtsgrad, your avatar makes me think your kids would be worthwile. Anyone that likes cute kittens can't be that bad.

    keyser soze, they might changed their mind about the kids yet, I know a few dubs that have had them later in life despite earlier agreements.

    caligirl, the neighborhood I live in has a real bad rap as well. My boyfriend and I talk to the street people unlike most who live here and they aren't scary at all..just normal people with their own set of circumstances.

    Gill, an excellent definition Gill.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I always wanted kids and didn't allow the old men at the top or any others stop me from having them. It is a personal decision.

    I was around some Witnesses the other day and this lady kept telling me about her son having her first grandchild. The 2 older children had decided not to have children "in this wicked system of things." I had actually forgot about this crazy reasoning.

    At the obstetrician's office where I went there was a poster hanging that said, "A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on."

    Most of the ones that I have seen that avoided having children seemed to become self absorbed. Sacrificing for your children is what life is all about.

  • Gill

    Choosing life - I loved hearing about tht poster in the obstetrician's office!

    I have relatives who are waiting until the New System to have children. A sadder bunch of loons I have never met!

    People who think the world is 'too bad' for them and theirs are by their very nature totally selfish and self deluding. Non of them are better for their choice. They are completely different to people who have wanted and tried to have children. Those who want children but been unable are far more empathetic to others for their struggle and loss and very caring people. Those who have followed the words of the WT Society are just selfish and would have been anyway.

    If we look at those in the Governing Body who have not had children and waiting for their 'Utopia' to arrive are arrogant and selfish people willing to risk the lives of all who follow them and their pathetic jibberings!

    We have found that we are willing to sacrifice ourselves and our wants for our children. We understand that even at the simple level of stopping the car to find a toilet for a wee wee wanting child we are more self less. I was hearing about my childless cousins who would not stop to let their nephew go to the toilet.

    Even at the most basic level people with children and those who would have liked to have had children are just more caring and more empathetic to others.

  • katiekitten

    My mother has always told me NEVER to fall pregnant because it ruins your life. So when I was contemplating having a baby with my partner I asked my dad what he thought about me having a baby.

    As he stopped being a JW years ago I was gobsmacked when he said "The world is such a f**ked up place it wouldnt be fair to bring a child into it".

    I guess I was hoping at least one of my parents would be able to say something nice about me having a baby. Anyway, im 21weeks pregnant now, so screw em both. My partner is happy and im happy.

  • nvrgnbk

    Before I offend those who don't have children, by choice or due to circumstance, I mention the following only as my own personal experience.

    I found that I became a less selfish and more compassionate person after becoming a father.

    Of course there are those who who are unselfish, kind, altruistic, and patient that have never been parents.

    And there are parents that should not be parents.

    Just saying how the experience affected me.

  • Quandry

    When I was very pregnant there was a talk at the convention in 1987, "Responsible Childbearing in this Time of The End" or some similar name. I felt terribly conspicuous, and of course, a bit guilty. Was I doing the wrong thing? Too late now.

    Well, my daughter will soon be twenty. She is a wonderful person, and my hubbie and I couldn't be happier, or more proud. I am sad that many felt that guilt and denied themselves a wonderful opportunity.

    They may end up alone with no one to care about them, no children to pass things on to.....

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