Which JWD posters have Secret Superpowers???

by Kudra 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet
    I carry a powerful staff that has the power to create life.

    I just require a willing female assistant to assist in the summoning process. It's a slow process.

    When it is not being used to create life, it can double as a squirt gun, albeit rather poorly.

    That plus it requires 20mins between uses to recharge.

    You are hilarious! all of you but especially you Parip!

  • mrsjones5

    I can make 4 children (13 and under) sit still for a minute.


  • OnTheWayOut

    I no longer do this, but I can stretch a few minutes into a few hours.

    I used to do this at the end of the month, and then report it to the
    congregation secretary.

  • candidlynuts

    i was able to get 4 middle aged nerds fix my kitchen sink.took them 6 hours and 3 bandaids.

  • Open mind
    Open mind
    O.M- you still have the sniveledge of conducting??

    Yes, on rare occasions. But I wave my "humbler-than-thou" card fast and furious and that usually results in some other brown noser getting the nod. Thank goodness.

    I don't think posessing a weiner qualifies as a superpower.

    Obviously the viewpoint of a "non-possessor". Tee hee.

    Open Mind

  • Warlock
    I don't think posessing a weiner qualifies as a superpower.

    Obviously the viewpoint of a "non-possessor". Tee hee.



  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    I can walk down the street any time I want and turn into a bank.

    And just to show I'm super powerful, I can even turn into a bar, or even a barbershop.


  • Gill

    I can cause local JWs, formerly 'friends', to go rushing off in obscure directions they had not intended to originally just by walking anywhere near them!

    And I can do this even though I am not DF'd or DA'd!!

  • Mr Hyde
    Mr Hyde

    I have seen a youtube vid of Mary shooting ping pong balls amazin distances without even using a bat

  • stillajwexelder

    I can keep going for over an hour without enhancement drugs such as Viagra (when I first had sex I lasted about 2 seconds)

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