Positive changes in your life since leaving WBTS

by Mrs Smith 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    The freedom to set up a Christmas tree without having that feeling that it is demonized and somehow bad. And, if those Christmas songs come on, I don't have to worry about it. I also don't have to rush home after work to get my obligatory hour of service in for the month and have the hounders saying that it isn't enough and/or worrying about getting kept out several hours later.

    I also no longer worry about making it to the meetings. Working nights (as so many Witlesses do) makes it hard to get to the evening meetings (it is like a normal person getting up at 3:30 or 4 in the morning for a meeting or having to take the evening off). I no longer have to waste the time on that crap.

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    This is 38 Years' friend and I'm posting for her so she gives an objective viewpoint (either that or she's really lazy today). There are SO many changes in her that it's almost impossible to list them all. I've known her for 11.5 years now and I can honestly say that she's not the same person.

    1. She's a much happier person - she used to walk around with her shoulders hunched, scowling, keeping her eyes to the ground. Now she looks you in the eye, accepts compliments, and is...dare I say it...BUBBLY! She's a joy to be around now.
    2. She used to complain about one thing or another all the time and now she's bragging about how much better her life is and how she wants to help others feel the freedom she does.
    3. She is a blast to be around for holidays and birthdays. She feels she has to make up for lost time so every event is a celebration. We even celebrate Arbor Day.
    4. She's free to think now. Although I catch her in circular Borg-like thinking occasionally, she really does have a mind of her own now and it seems to be liberating for her.
    5. She's a a better mom who lets her child be himself. She relishes his free thought and supports all his activities. He's a much happier child who is going to make a name for himself some day.
    6. She promises to register to vote if Hillary makes through the primaries!!!

    I'm sure there are more, but those are the most apparent. I have to post this quickly before she gets out her editing pen.

    38 Years' Friend for 11 of them

  • JAVA

    A college degree, working with college students, planning for retirement, and placing Tower magazines in the trash when finding them in public places. Life is good.

  • changeling

    Thank you for this thread, Mrs. Smith. I think it reminds us all how fortunate we are now that were are free, and how wonderful that freedom really is.

  • Mysterious

    1. Gender is not a handicap

    2. Education is not a waste

    3. Love is never wrong

    4. You CAN do it

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Thank you for all your great replies. Keep them coming.

    She promises to register to vote if Hillary makes through the primaries!!!

    I'm also going to vote in our next election for the very first time ever!!!!! Now I finally feel all grown up.

  • Nellie

    I hated saying to myself, "I would do that if only I wasn't a Jehovah's Witness." Now, if my desires lead me in a direction and my sensibilities tell me that there's nothing wrong with it - I go for it. I haven't changed who I am or what I think, now I just have the freedom to express it and do it.

    I'm a walking NIKE ad - JUST DO IT!

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