Could Brooklyn install security systems that would keep us from the know?

by AK - Jeff 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mary
    If they were smart they would discontinue the paper trail. They would mandate that each congregation have its own computer, send them one and then install, unbeknownst to the congregation, software such as GoldenEye. Tell the congregation that they are not allowed to print the information, disable saving, printing, etc. and then conduct audits on the computers, remote with GoldenEye, every so often. Oh, and give each elder an ID and pw or only allow access by the PO, etc.

    Yes but when you factor in the cost for something this for what---over 60,000 congregations? It'd cost them several million dollars. They're too damn cheap for one thing, plus, going to such extreme, paranoid lengths would raise the hackles of previously docile Witnesses. When the leaders of a religion that claims their goal is to spread their message to the ends of the earth, becomes this paranoid and secretive about guarding their message of hope, then more and more are going to wake up and smell the coffee.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    they have already set up a secure server for reporting field service, memorial attendance and ordering literature. more functions were on the way when I was deleted as an elder. Some correspondance was being sent via email from the society to the CO to the PO/secretaries.

    I would not be surprised if the society does not start sending correspondence on supposedly uncopyable paper (it exists, but I cannot find a decent link), although taking a picture with a camera bypasses the copier problem. Or maybe embedding microdots in the letter that if copied could be traced to a specific congo. Already a document can be traced to a specific printer...although I am fairly certain the borg is not that paranoid so as to let go of its hard earned donated money.

    They must be nervous that we have BOE letters and other info before many of the local elders have them.

    I seen the April 1 2007 letter about the reminders about what a WT conductor should and should not do before one of the elders had seen it (he is now PO, but was not at the time)...

    There will always be fader elders. So the WT cannot stop us....

    SnakesInTheTower (although not so much IN the tower myself now....but there are still snakes IN the Watchtower)

    (of the "quickly fading" Sheep Class) ...woo hoo! just noticed....made it to Senior Member

    Post 250 of 250
    since 03-Feb-07

    Senior Member

    United States

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    In our KH, some publisher donated a computer last summer to the congregations sharing the hall.

    It still isn't hooked up yet.

    Why? I don't know. Maybe the body of elders needed a two-thirds vote among themselves in the affirmative in order to have it up and running.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

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