Anyone Else from Canada?

by Miss 8572 119 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Finally-Free

    On a positive note about Clive Thomas, his comments played a part in my beginning to research the Watchtower. I was a victim of molestation myself, not JW related, as was my former spouse. Clive's attempt to further victimize a victim helped me realize that I wanted nothing more to do with that abusive cult.


  • wannaexit

    I believe Clive Thomas resides at the Canadian Bethel. Heard him a few years ago as the bethel rep at the district convention.


  • GetBusyLiving
    Do you remember a CO called Bernie Goro?

    Yeah, I remember him as a visiting CO in our congregation when I was a kid. His big joke in a talk was that towards the end of the month everyone in the congregation became 'Cat' publishers because all the publishers would say "I have to get meow'r" (my hour). The Kingdom Hall was in stitches for months over that gem.

    When my family and I moved to western Canada he told us the next time he would see us would be in paradise. That was 20 years ago. I'm not holding my breath Goro.


  • Fleshybirdfodder

    Grew up in Muskoka, (had Bernie as a C.O. for a while as well), moved to B.C., now reside in beautiful Toronto!


  • Kaethra


    and yes, I remember Clive. I liked him when he was our CO. 'course, I was young, impressionable, and a true believer, but as CO's go...well let's just say that all the pre-pubescent girls like me thought he was cuuuute! Hey, I'm sure that all the young boys at the time thought that Gary Willichuk's wife Janet was pretty hot as CO's wives go. ;)

  • ringo5
    Hey, I'm sure that all the young boys at the time thought that Gary Willichuk's wife Janet was pretty hot as CO's wives go. ;)

    I seem to remember a couple of nice things about her...

  • Kaethra

    her lips, right??

  • ringo5

    She had lips?

  • Kaethra

    har! what I remember of Janet is she used to eat so that no food ever touched her lips. Apparently she couldn't afford to replace her lipstick very often so she would open her mouth very wide and shove everything far in. That way she didn't have to re-apply.

    I'm sure none of the good little jw boys noticed this particular trick. haha

  • GetBusyLiving

    LOL @ Kaethra. I'm sure they did!

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