The Guy I Work With.....

by purplesofa 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Does he look like this

  • purplesofa

    Well, he was really quiet for an hour, but now he came over and got the newspaper and is looking for an article on hot fuel

    how fuel expands in the summer and we are actually getting less fuel.

    I am not kidding about his shoes at all. I call them springboard shoes.

    I just cant stand to see him walking around in them. I get mad everytime I see him and I get a shot of those shoes too.


  • Finally-Free

    So tell us, how long have you been infatuated with this guy?


  • purplesofa

    I worked at the same facility with him 4 years ago for about a year and he was ok.

    But now, since March, I work directly with him and I had no idea how he was.

    The only reason I got this job was he ran the last one off, cuz they did not get along. Now I know why!!!!

    He droves everyone nuts, but I guess since I am new I am his victim now.


  • purplesofa

    I am working alone with him again today

    and I mean it.....

    I am gonna punch his lights out!!!!!!!!

  • free2think

    Oh purps, im sorry. You could punch his lights out and the say it was a rage blackout and you can't remember what happened.

  • Mysterious

    When someone is slow at their job try to avoid watching them work as much as possible, it will only frustrate you. Also practice dubbing people with annoying voices in your head, think of it as a good way to practice your imaginary ear for accents. When it comes to innane banter, figure out what bores him and take the fight back to him. If he likes you now he'll decide you are boring and better to be avoided. :-D

  • R.F.

    Want me to run down there and take him out???


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    OK. Wait until he's not looking directly at you. Hold out your thumb and index finger, sideways, in front of one of your eyes about 1/2 inch apart. Now line up his skull between your fingers. Smash it. Over and over.

    Repeat until you feel better or until he looks at you. Then you can quickly act like you're picking your nose. That MIGHT turn him off. Unless he likes it. Then it's even worse.

    Feeling your pain.

    Open Mind

  • BFD

    Poor purps. I think you should take R.F. up on his offer.


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