Elders ARE idiots!!

by Gill 75 Replies latest jw experiences

  • minimus

    If the elders are idiots, what does that make the publisher?

  • minimus

    Finally---Free, you are one funny dude!

  • Gill

    Minimus - Exactly what I said!

    Who is the biggest idiot? Is it the Fool or is it the Fool who follows the Fool?

    The problem is, the publishers never really get to see the real inner workings and coldness that really exists in the Organization. They remain ignorant of 'what really goes on.' The Elders see it and allow it to continue. They are in a position where they can choose not to say ridiculous things to the publishers but NO, they choose to become part of it and colude in the cruelty that goes on.

  • minimus

    Clearly, elders share much more responsibility.

  • Marcel

    many elders i know are really loving misguided men. some of them even intelligent.
    what was that quote someone posted here yesterday?

    it was like "good humans act good and bad humans act bad - religion is the only tool to let good humans act bad."

    thats just true. no elder-hatin' necessary.

  • nvrgnbk

    Some elders end up here.

    We tried to do what was right with the information we had.

    I did more good than harm as an elder. I was called by some "the voice of reason" on the body. I sometimes regret leaving as soon as I did. I just couldn't do it any more. I admire those on JWD that remain as elders for the sake of family and to help as many as possible.

    Many more will join us before it's all over.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    ok Gill, this reply may get long, or be several replies...as I ...until recently... served as an elder.

    Most elders I know ARE idiots. A few are kind and try to do what is right (not Borg right) but are like salmon swimming up stream. I always was swimming upstream.

    Did you enjoy being called a 'star of the Congregation?' Did it boost your ego? Did you enjoy being able to run Judicial committes, better known as Kangaroo courts?

    "Star"... no...."ego boost"... hell no....enjoy JC's...hell NO ..I was chairman of a couple JC's, and I insisted that the other elders look over not only the elder book but also the WT article a few years back about "Wickedness or Weakness" and emphasized to them that no decision or mindset was to be made in advance (saying this was like pissing in a headwind). I had served on too many JC's where the elders had basically already tried and convicted the accused, the only thing to decide was "announced reproof", "unannounced reproof" or D/F....I would not stand for that. I hated serving on JC's, but was convinced, until a year or so ago, that we were doing what was best for the congo by "keeping the congo clean"...yeah... OK... Who was I (or any elder) to decide if a person was really "repentant" or not. Can I read hearts...no. I don't know how anyone could sit in front of a JC and confess their darkest "issues" (I refuse to call them sins now). I would never knowingly sit in front of a JC and tell them sh*t.

    I once, years ago, was (unknowingly) on the other end of a JC ..(I had been accused of lying.....really it was jealous pioneers making trouble, as it was found out later...)...at the time I was not told it was a JC...ended up losing MS/reg pio titles....(wont call them privileges)...it was, as you say, a "kangaroo court", with the outcome and witnesses predetermined.....announced not having MS/reg pio anymore, but unannounced reproof, only "restriction" was not offering prayer for a month before they lifted the restriction....just enough to be JC and keep me off as MS for 3 years.

    After that experience, I swore if I was ever appointed as an elder, I would always treat the accused with dignity (well, as much as can be had in such a bogus court) and give them a chance and let them know what their rights (limited as they were) were...I hope I always did that.

    some who were well meaning

    I hope I was kind...but I know at times I came across as self-righteous and I never intended that. It makes me sad to think I ever hurt anyone as an elder, but I know I did.

    To those I did that: I'm sorry.

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "regretting being an elder" Sheep Class)

  • yesidid

    I am sorry to say it Gill, but your post says a lot more about you

    than the many thousands of anonymous men you so majestically denounce,

    of which, only a minute fraction you have ever even met.


  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I think its funny how they walk around acting like the Holy police or something, I posted here a while back about how at my sisters wedding, one point to me and with his finger gestured for me to "come here" I pointed back at him with my middle finger!

    There are a list of Elder who I keep on my "if I ever meet them in a dark alley" list.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    daydreaming about how nice it would be to take an elder out back and repeatedly punch his stomach until he shit his pants

    yeah me too... elder in my last congo, I pass his workplace on a regular basis...see his truck parked out front... daydream about blowing it up and blaming it on an "industrial accident"...

    Probably wont go to the DC this year...'cause if I see him I may punch his lights out...and the jail time is NOT worth it.


    would eventually burn out and step down

    In my last congo, the PO left back to his old congo, another stepped aside, then another....they and I, the 4 of us, held our own against the other 3 (with one elderly brother that could be swayed..he has since died)....but after they all left/came off, I was left alone to try to point out wrongs.....I was burning out long before I gave them ammo to pull the trigger on my elder responsibilities....


    publishers never really get to see the real inner workings and coldness that really exists in the Organization

    yep, and I seen it first hand as I started getting more responsibilities...the ones who really cared and wanted to change were too vested to make waves....esp those in Special Full Time Service....what would they go back to?

    I am glad to see you have a bit more sense of humor about it... how long were each of us deluded by the BorgMindset? How many of us are partially trapped.

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "mind clearing slowly" Sheep Class)

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