Elders ARE idiots!!

by Gill 75 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Gill

    This has always been my opinion, even as a 'loyal' JW! I thought that Elders were idiots.

    I have only ever known one who has ever had any real education, a solicitor and he was an arrogant twonk, the rest were a pathetic bunch of bullies who 'appeared' to be loving and kind but were infact out to find out the shit about everyone and cause as much trouble for everyone as possible. Why weren't you at the meeting? Why weren't you out in service? Clean the toilet, sister! Weed the car park, brother!

    They were self absorbed fools with their heads up eachothers arses and all kow towing to the local PO, CO and DO who were even bigger idiots!

    Having said this, the biggest idiot I have ever known was myself, who was so afraid of these morons that she remained a JW until her 37th birthday! FOOL!

    So, did you 'love' the elders? Personally, I'm sure there are many here who were Elders and still are and I don't see, how even with the best intentions in the world they could stoop so low as to judge anyone else in the congregations. Who did you think you were? Did you enjoy being called a 'star of the Congregation?' Did it boost your ego?

    Did you enjoy being able to run Judicial committes, better known as Kangaroo courts?

    I'm sure there are some who were well meaning.....infact as I type I can actually think of one Elder who was and may well still be a very nice, and even a caring bloke, but that is one out of many. I have several cousins who are Elders and think so much of themselves that when together the stand, chest out discussing 'important' congregational issues and attempting to control everyone with their austere stares, especially us 'bad' inactive faders.

    I remember my Uncle and Aunt out shepherding an Elderly JW woman who was agoraphobic. The local Age Concern charity wuold collect her once a week and take her to her counselling. They visited her and told her that if she didn't return to the meetings Jehovah would not save her at Armageddon. They complained that she then started weeping bitterly at what they said to her. They said they thought they have made her ashamed enough to force her to return to Jehovah. In the end she never went to another meeting again.

    I remember an Elder visiting me and my husband when I was pregnant and unwell and being told that, it was all very well having a nice garden but if we didn't become more regular at the meetings we would die soon at Armageddon. I must have cried for several days after that. This was in 1983!!!

    As I said, 'I feel Elders are idiots!'

    Feel free to ignore them!

  • unique1

    I know several well meaning sweet elders. My dad was one as were most of the Older elders. unfortunately none of them were ever chosen for P.O. Only the assholes were. It was always sad to see the good elders try to do something right or nice for others and get shot down by all the pricks that were similar to your description above. I don't know how the good, kind elders dont' lose heart.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I couldn't agree more, but the ones that used to be jerky elders have more or less repented of their "sins" and became one of us here:)

  • Finally-Free

    I used to sit in the kingdom hall daydreaming about how nice it would be to take an elder out back and repeatedly punch his stomach until he shit his pants. I never acted on these thoughts because these particular elders weren't worth the jail time. But it helped me through many a boring watchtower study.


  • undercover

    I've known some real assholian elders over time. But with the exception of one or two, even these guys had their moments when you could actually get along with them...as long as you were toeing the line. Cross that line, or show any amount of independent thinking and these elders could be real pains in the ass.

    I've also known some well-meaning, loving, kind and merciful elders. Ones who seemed to be trying to copy Jesus' examples instead of following rules handed down by the bOrg. Unfortunately, it was these good-guy elders that usually got trampled asunder by the power hungry, asshole elders on their way to kiss the COs ass. These good guys either became powerless in the elder body or would eventually burn out and step down, leaving the jerks free to wield supreme executive authority over the common folk in the congregation.

  • Gill

    Undercover - That's a very sad reflection on what the Watchtower society actually turns people into - unfeeling company men!

    Jehovah's Witnesses complain bitterly about persecution when in reality their biggest problem with persecution is themselves persecuting eachother.

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    Gill, don't feel bad. I waited until I was 46 to leave. I really wanted to, but stayed in due to guilt and family. For years I would think that those who were disfellowshipped or stopped coming were "lucky"

    I don't have a high opinion of elders either. I lost respect for them when I was a teenager and decided to go on without their superior advise and suggestions. Of course, that wasn't enough for me to quit. You don't want to be "stumbled" by others in the congregation. But anything that came out of Brooklyn, well that was a different story. I would listen to the GB because they were supposed to be looking out for us and all.

  • Gill

    38 years - It is a terrible shame to have spent so much time afraid of such people, isn't it!

    I must admit that the majority of my anger on this subject has gone but, it now makes me laugh at myself and JWs who remain in their fantasy world. I guess that sounds cruel, but they say laughter is the best medicine!

  • MadTiger

    Y NV?

    Strange actions, evil forays
    not on His List
    of agreed-upon Ways.
    Righteous displays
    are quickly dimissed,
    with a gnarled fist
    by the tired old men with eyes ablaze.

  • Gill

    MT - apt description.

    I think you may well only be able to find any real love at the very bottom of the organization.

    The higher up, the colder it gets!

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