hi im new!

by mrbloo 48 Replies latest members private

  • mrbloo
  • mrbloo

    lady liberty.thats a big subject!i can just remember explaining this during a study but what i explained i forget!but ill get back to you as i find this disturbing,as well as the masons connection thanks gill.....yes your right it is used to keep the slave in check thank you for your kind words Gopher.....totally agree with you ive met some jw who are fully insulated to the point they don't get reality.also the feeling of being a outsider your right i no longer feel i belong alot of the time so what do i do? get high and watch tv..no good really,although i have to say ive only been on here days an im already thinking of volunteere work but where how and when i don't got a clue yet!! thanks for your understanding. deeskis......me to if id found this site 10 years ago i feel id be in a better place..why leave Scotland!..weather to hot for you? lol jgnat.... thank you very much for those links.yore right about people being favored over the rest one of the things that i got sick of..i mean were all the same arnt we? although folk from Scotland are good looking!!!!!!

  • mrbloo

    penny2...DNC .....unique1 thank you for being nice..ninja...no no hate footie bloo is what a friend calls me i used this as i was unsure how private this forum is my real name is...drum roll....mike,mike cooke there a few of us around!!!

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    Welcome to both of you!

  • mouthy

    WELCOME MRBLOO. & the other newbie ( I am the granny on board & I forgot the other name) You mention you have a family MB ....do try not to get "wasted"as you say...Kids remember strange goings on when they grow up & it effects their lives. When someone talks to me ( I am 80 ) about being wasted I think it means drunk.... I saw a lot of that when I was young & it really effects their lives. It did mine. I am SO glad you found the board.... They are a good group here ,,,,,full of Unconditional love ...I am the only one on board that doesnt mind my own beeswax. But I do it in love....

  • mrbloo

    thanks mouthy! although i dont drink..i smoke weed ,not round the kids!.same thing really and good point about kids memory's..thanks

  • sass_my_frass

    Hello Mr Bloo, and welcome.

    MMm yes, every creature alive is concerned about death, but humans take it one step further; try to reason that it's just a phase in some kind of eternal journey. Whatever floats your boat hey. In the meantime, I suggest that you concern yourself more with life: you've probably got many years of it left, why spend it worrying about what happens at the end? That would be such a waste of time.

  • emptywords

    Hi all and thank you for for you're welcome and advise. I must say after reading my post again today, I apologise for my rant, and I know I seem obsessed with what may seem to be a trivial issue, and I need to also look at my own attitude at times. But I really can't condone what has been allowed to occur for many years, even to a child that was so scared to even say hello to her after she insulted the kid that had braces, the mother told the elders so she was adviced to take the problem to this women with the child, (six yr old girl) of course the abuser denied all and said she never intended to offend anyone, that said without an apology for maybe offending her, this was after months of torment and pushing by this nutter in the truth, a so called mature sister that gives talks and is out in field offending every one at the doors and in partner, but only the sisters never the brothers.

    So my point is, why and how can she be allowed after years and years of complaints to go out witnessing, and never with a public reproof and others get pulled up for worldy haircuts or fashion, must look the part but can abuse others with a new suit on. Hypocritical, I hate it and feel like telling them so. Bit I to don't want to loose my sister as she is all the family I really have.

  • mouthy

    thanks mouthy! although i dont drink..i smoke weed ,not round the kids!.same thing really and good point about kids memory's..thanks Dontcha hate these old grannies that are always giving out advice????. Screwed up her own life but want to stop others from doing the same mrbloo????(hug)

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