Friendly talk with a couple of elders

by TooBad TooSad 88 Replies latest jw experiences

  • garybuss

    DT, exactly! The end can't be related to ANYTHING in the Bible at all because Jesus watched it written and knew all it contains. If Jesus says he doesn't know and he had all knowledge of creation and all knowledge of the Bible and every other book, the answer can't be tied to the Bible at all.

    The Society would have us believe Jesus is blind. Tell me, what does the Society know that Jesus didn't? Come up with anything? Anyone?

  • SusanHere

    Every couple of years I ask my sister if she ever thought the current year would ever get here. She never answers.

    What could she say when she knows I remember all the letters and conversations we've had since the early 1970's about the end coming any day. It's been like watching a train wreck that goes on for decades and hasn't stopped yet.

    Such a tragedy.


  • yaddayadda

    It's fascinated me to see older ones in other churches I've visited who still seem to have that gleam in their eyes, that vivaciousness and joy somehow. I think the reason is because their joy is in Jesus Christ and not in the 'end of the system'. Many other religions hope that Jesus will return soon but they do not constantly harp on about the end of the world like the JW's do. The reason for many older JW's being so clapped out and morose is because their focus has been all wrong. JW's are entirely focused on working hard to earn life in an earthly paradise which is always so very near, whereas most other Christians find their worship refreshing because it is focused on the person of Jesus and trying to imitate his love and kindness, etc, so when he returns is just a side point.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    SnakesInTheTower (of the "not depressed anymore" Sheep Class)

  • Marcel

    hi gary!

    jesus didnt knew when the end was coming while he was on earth only. possibly for not spoiling it to the humans :-D


  • garybuss

    Hi Marcel, You wrote: "jesus didnt knew when the end was coming while he was on earth only. possibly for not spoiling it to the humans"

    In the following verse, Jesus seems to imply he has some knowledge of when the end was coming.

    14 And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.

    In fact, there seems to be quite a few verses where he talks about signs of the end. Either he knew or he didn't know. If he knew, he lied in the verse where he said he didn't know. If he didn't know, he misled people into thinking he knew when he gave warnings and signs and prophesied.

    What say you?

  • willyloman

    I did the cold turkey fade three and a half years ago and before I left there were many older men and women who had that glazed over look in their eyes whenever talk turned to the years ahead. I visited a KH and one couple, retired for nearly 20 years and in their mid-80s, chatted me up after the Sunday talk and within minutes were pouring their hearts out to me about their fear that the money they had saved for retirement was not going to be enough to last. They were both healthy and looked like they could easily live another 10 years, and they hadn't planned for that.

    "We never thought we'd have to worry about it," she said.

    "Never mind," he told her, patting her hand. "The system can't possibly last much longer. Things have never been this bad."

    I looked at her for reaction and I the look on her face told me she wasnt buying it.

  • still_in74

    he didnt know, he stated it clearly. He knew the signs that would lead up to the end but gave no indication that he knew when those signs would begin to occur. Jesus said,

    Note the fig tree and all the other trees: 30 When they are already in the bud, by observing it YOU know for yourselves that now the summer is near. 31 In this way YOU also, when YOU see these things occurring, know that the kingdom of God is near
    Knowing the signs leading up to the end is not the same as knowing when the end will occur. I believe that he did not know as he claimed he didnt. Obviously there will/would come a time prior to the end when Jesus would know in advance however there is no way anyone can use this as reasoning that we can know this, this information is not contained in scripture and anyone claiming they now know the appointed time is absolutely adding to scripture as if it were in anyway indicated in the scriptures Jesus WOULD have known it.
  • ariana

    Too bad Too sad

    I think knowing what day the world was to end was not for us to know, because how can we show love if we know what day it is,because then we would do what ever we want for a while and then when the day came near we would chang our ways and do what he wants us to do.It makes to me that we should not know what day he is to end this world and bring on a new one,That way we can always be prepared.I cant change the way I feel about that.You know a thief would never tell you when he is going to rob you because then he wouldnt be able to.How can we prove loyalty to him if we knew.

  • ariana

    Still in 74

    finally someone who I totally agree with.You got correct.No one knows,neither did jesus he only knew the signs to kept us aware of how close we would be to the end.Only the farther knows.

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