what was the strangest/worst counsel you recieved from elders ?

by flipper 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    They wanted me to go back on the FS afetr I had decided to abandon it because I could no longer see the point of bringing anyone into this organisation. It was loveless and dictatorial and I wouldn't like to recommend it to anyone.


    from a newbie non witness , wow, what the witnesses do without firemen(and woman) if their house caught on fire , unbelievable , i think ive finally been convinced not to become one now , i mean who's to say that the local fireman doesnt attend and save a potential witness ???

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    There have been many over the years......what comes first to my mind though is the advice that going out more regular in feild service would help me get over my suicidal depression ,and panic attacks . The elder had convinced my husband that pressuring me to go out would be good for me.....the first door I stood behind my husband tears rolling uncontrollably down my cheeks .....After that he figured out these guys are not trained professionals and we would make better personal decisions on our own.

    Another time We were told our son should not speak to a girl after the meetings in the hall because others might get the wrong idea ......I had had enough by this point ,and I told him that was the stupidest thing I'd ever been told. If someone had a probem than it was their problem ,and they needed to get over it .

  • LongHairGal

    Years ago I had an unpleasant conversation with a clueless elder about life and "things". He seemed to be prejudiced against me for some reason. I assume that some people in that hall seemed to think I had no problems because I was single, and, also because I would not allow myself to be taken advantage of. They seemed to feel that an attractive white single woman who worked was some kind of "golden girl" who "owed" somebody something. Yeah, I got news for them! Well, I had problems he could not possibly know about. He proceeded to say that I should develop a "christian" personality. I guess this is a euphemism for allowing people to walk all over me. I tried to tell him that other people as well should develop a christian personality - not just me.


  • TheCoolerKing

    The dumbest advice I personally got from an elder was regarding education. I had started attending college and one of the elders decided to sit me down to, as he said, "give me some good advice." His words of wisdom were, "I've heard, Brother CoolerKing, that you have started attending college. Since the new world is fast approaching (the year was 1982), do you think that it is wise to pursue such a "worldy" goal as college? Things would be much better for you if you would quit college and spend more hours in the field ministry."

    All I can say is that I'm glad I ignored this elder's wonderful advice back then...


  • mouthy

    I was studing with an elderly couple who always wanted to put a "shot of whiskey" in the coffee they served me. I am a teetotler( cant spell it) they mentioned it to the Curcuit servant when he visited.
    I was hauled into the library & told that was a stumbling block, We didnt want them to think we were against drink..... Stupid me... took it to heart, I had 3 studies all on the same day,All liked a little nip!!!! all insisted I have a LITTLE nip also....One day I got on the bus to go home after all these studies" Half cut" needless to say I became a teatotaler again....And told the BR in no uncertain terms. I would NOT follow their advice if they wanted the studies>> be my guest...
    Then when I complained about my hubby beating me. The elder said...."Well Grace we have Brothers & Sisters in prisons because they wont go to war,doing Jahs will. You are at least FREE to go from door to door so stay in that situation,,"",,,Stupid me!!!! I did!!!!But I stayed till he died, 41plus years....I am glad I did because I paid MY vow to the GOD I worship now.

    O.K. enough of the stones!!!!!

  • ninja

    I got sent home from going out in the work because I was wearing a leather jacket as the ministerial serpent "Ian Todd" thought it inappropriate....even though I would have covered the hells angels logo.....the swines

  • Finally-Free
    I got sent home from going out in the work

    Lucky you! I wish that happened to me a few times. It would have been much better than working alone 90% of the time.

    It's hard to say what was the strangest counsel I ever got from the elders. All of it was stupid. I was counselled for having a moustache, parting my hair in the middle, wearing prescription sunglasses, having an old car, having a motorcycle, having a 2 door van, wearing bright ties, having bad breath, biting my fingernails, being overweight, joining a gym to lose weight, being financially challenged, being materialistic when I inheirited my dead dad's house, going to school because I had to retrain due to health, having an unsubmissive wife, being in debt, working overtime to pay off my debt, not commenting enough, not being outgoing enough, not underlining my watchtower, and a load of other stupid crap.


  • WTWizard

    Perhaps this should look like the Top 680 All Time stupidest counsel. For me, the Number One is to just meet men at the a$$emblies, which ultimately led to my blowing them all off (and eventually all the meetings). And they were picky about that I needed to get WHITE shirts (pale yellow with a tan suit wasn't good enough for them). Shoes had to be polished (I don't see how I could find time to do that with all the service you were supposed to do). They expected me to dress according to what they felt comfortable, which is inappropriate since I have always been comfortable in colder weather than them, and I liked to make things cold for them). They wanted me to get rid of all my music and listen solely to the 225 pieces of Kingdumb S***. My time was for the misery. I was supposed to project more happiness in talks when it was totally inappropriate (and not for the talk, either).

    And then they had the nerve to ask me to not blow off the meetings. After they told me not to accept a ride from a sister (at that, one to which I was not at risk of becoming sexually drawn to). If they are going to put walls up between me and the opposite sex, then they can take their &$#%ing meetings and shove them.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    That preteen boys should not be allowed to sleep over at each other's house because it might lead them to homosexual acts.

    This was not to me directly, but to the congregation from the platform.

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