what was the strangest/worst counsel you recieved from elders ?

by flipper 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    "Don't buy a two-door car". (We all know Satan loves two-doors)

    Open Mind

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I approached an elder asking for help with my marital problems. His advice was "don't watch soap operas". When i assured him that I never watched soap operas, he had nothing further to say.

    The really, really stupid part about this is that a few months later when I asked another elder for help, his advice was exactly the same.

    It boggles the mind how completely unqualified elders are for the resposibilities they have.

  • flipper

    Infamous- Slander?!?! Did they want you to bury your head in the sand like an ostrich? Jeez. Mincan- I went through a similar thing when my 18 year old son came to live with me. His mom, my ex had kicked him out because he didn't want to go to meetings anymore and wouldn't drop his "worldy" girlfriend. I took him in and said," It doesn't matter to me that you have a nonwitness girlfriend or go to meetings. You're my son I love you and respect your viewpoint." Elders tried to get him to go to meetings and I told them to stop bothering him. bronzefist- That's a first. Ask you to go to another cong.? Damned Elders , can't they take advice from concerned publishers?? They need to humble thyselves. Jaguar Bass- I take it you graduated from school just fine. You're alive and still posting. eclipse- The elders have a way of making you not trust them, because they hold whatever you say against you. So why say anything to them at all, is my take?? Sorry you went through that. JK666- I hope the elder enjoyed watching the sun rise. I'm suprised he didn't follow your wife and make sure the dog was definitely going to the bathroom, too.Dumb shit elder. Sassy-ex-jw- It just goes to show we can't please them no matter what we do. What did they want you to do, go bald for them?? Weird. Just Some Dude- So far, JK666's post seems the weirdest. Keep em' coming folks. Thanks all, Peace Mr. Flipper

  • SirNose586

    I mentioned this bad feeling to my mother, and only to my mother, and she must of told the elders. The next day they were in my living room, sitting me down, and telling me how WRONG it was of me to slander a baptized brother, that making accusations was a serious thing, and not to do so unless I had concrete proof or memories of something happening to me.

    I did not accuse anyone! I tried to tell them, but they kept at me, it felt like the interrogationt lasted for over a hour. I was scared & humiliated and I remember sinking into the back of the couch, wanting to disappear within myself. After that, I did not trust to tell an older person, or my mother with my secrets.

    Good job, "Hiding Places from the Wind." That's got to be some sort of child abuse. I'm sorry you had to go through that, eclipse.

  • Hortensia

    I remember a meeting with the elders when my sisters and I were little - my mother and the three of us were in the back room talking to the elders. My mother wanted to leave my alcoholic violent murderous father, but the elders told her he was her "head" and that he represented Jehovah in our household. So we endured ten more years of violence and fear before my mother went ahead and divorced him anyway.

  • wozadummy

    Worst counsel-

    Some years ago my wife and I tried to get her once elder father to confess to incest for a long time on my wife. He was brought before a committee denied all much to our shock and dissapointment ,we hoping he'd confess and gain everlasting life.

    The elders told us there was nothing else to do but this - "move interstate it will be better for you"

    We foolishly did and moved near my wifes brother ,it was for a few years and the local elders avoided our ongoing concerns about how her case was handled.They were about as glad to help as the other elder body was to send us interstate,we always thought their advice was from Jehovah and we were dissillusioned for years.

    When my father was dying I decided we'd move back to be with him ,and adding insult to injury my wifes brother's wife told my wife she was disloyal for going back home!

    What loving christian concern from the brothers! When we came back the elders had the hide to enquire what on earth would make us come back! It was making it awkward for them for her father had been doing quick builds ,having book studies etc all those years!

    This is for the lurkers - where was Jehovahs direction and spirit? Why is it that none of the rest of the children in her family were ever questioned by the elders?

    Why is it that the only people to listen and give good advice was the police and now the lawyers handling my wifes case? All her family have abandoned her including those also molested or witnesses to it?

    Just as well I love her for noone who calls themself god or a JW has or does ,where was the divine elder counsel when she needed it?

    And remember this is only one case of bad counsel ,no wonder we and others leave.

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    "We can't tell you NOT to come to this congregation.......but could you go somewhere else?" - bronzefist

    WOW! What a golden opportunity to begin a fade-did you take it?

  • Paralipomenon

    After being a member of the volunteer fire department I had the opportunity to take training for a full time job as a firefighter. I was really excited.

    I was counseled that a true witness wouldn't take a job where you have to risk your life.

  • RollerDave

    A real Witness wouldn't take a job where you have to risk your life?!?!?!?

    What do they call the Field Misery?

    But seriously, no greater love than offering to lay down your life for your brother, I thought.

    Oh, but no way to be sure you would be rescuing a brother, might be a nassssty worldly person, and we hateses them my preciousss, oh yesssss we do!


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