Do You Carry Anything Of Sentimental Value From Your Witness Days?

by The wanderer 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    This is not about carrying anything from the watchtower days of sentimental value but about something weired that was given back to me.

    After about twenty five years of having nothing to do with the tower an old friend contacted me .This guy had been a friend after I had left the borg and I hadn't seen him since my wedding twenty years previously.We got talking about the old days and the good times when he happened to mention that he had something of mine. This turned out to be a wooden ruler.I recognised it right away by the scribble on it.I had used it for underlining the watchtower study material.This was so weired, why would he have this item, he wasn't even a witness ,and why keep it for all that time? Anyway I threw it on the fire I thought it might be demonised having underlined so many false promises and lies.

    I have kept a couple of photo's of a sister that I used to date cant't seem to throw them out .That's sentiment for you.

    Another quality post edmond dantes. Love the comment about having underlines so many false promises and lies.

  • steve2

    I've kept a letter from one of my favourite aunts who replied to a letter I had written her just before I left the organization back in 1982.

    My aunt had been suffering from advanced terminal cancer at the time so I made sure my letter was not an attempt to justify my decision to leave, but a time to reassure her of my love for her and my genuine good wishes for her.

    Even though she knew I had left when she replied, she side-stepped the whole issue of judgement, told me she loved me, encouraged me to take good care of both my parents (who were ill at that time) and wished me well.

    She died a few months later. I've often got that lovely letter out and re-read her loving sentiments to me. it continues to mean so much to me.

  • PEC

    I have a NWT on my the headboard of my bed and in my car NOT! Nothing, no pictures, no pubs. not even a ruler, they all represent pagan false prophecies.


  • Mulan

    I have a set of the old, old, old Studies in the Scriptures that my stepfather gave me. I won't part with them. Just sentimental because I loved him so much. He was a faithful JW, but a very kind, loving man, who never cut us off when we left the WTS.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    No, I have nothing from my Witness Days that holds any sentiment. I've recently gotten rid of most of the books we've had in storage, and felt no qualms about it. (The rest are on thier way.)


  • jaguarbass

    I think I still have the robe I wore when I played Ham in the drama of Noahs ark back in the 70's

  • everyplanetwereachisdead
  • LongHairGal


    That's a beautiful picture of you and your friends and you should save it. Don't ever throw away pictures of yourself! They represent your life experiences. Also, there is no way of knowing whether you will meet up with these people at some future date. Who knows if they are still active in the religion?


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