Do You Carry Anything Of Sentimental Value From Your Witness Days?

by The wanderer 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Do You Carry Anything Of Sentimental Value From Your Witness Days?

    It is fair to say that many of us on this board rid ourselves of the Watchtower Society’s
    propaganda publications. Some, like me may have kept one or two items from that era,
    however, better then 99% of it is gone.

    What About Yourself?

    I have kept a sentimental picture of myself and some of my friends from the Kingdom
    Hall for a longtime. When the hurricanes of 2004 swept through Florida, causing
    massive destruction, a picture I hold dear was one of the first and leading items
    that needed to be saved.

    Do you carry anything of sentimental value from your witness days?


    The Wanderer

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Left to right: Richard Matos (The Wanderer), Center: Hanya Jones, Far Right: Glen Jones,
    Foreground: Kenneth Jones.

  • Warlock

    Just a Smurf I picked up at a garage sale while I was in field service.


  • lawrence

    My pioneer card and a few years of Publisher records I took from the K.H., my DA letter, and a few copies of other letters I sent the Pharisees.

  • Finally-Free

    I had a service bag that was an anniversary gift to me from my former spouse. I was keeping it, along with some publications, to take up north on my next hunting trip. I was going to use them as targets to sight in my guns, but later decided they were taking up unnecessary space. I let the garbage men deal with these offensive items.


  • Paralipomenon

    I have an old blue ribbon with "Attendant" written on it. Remember when they had ribbons?

    We were supposed to give it back, but I kept mine.

  • undercover

    I have lots of photographs of many of the people that I grew up with and was friends with. It's still fun to look at them from time to time and remember the fun times and how young and thin we all were. 99% of all these photos were taken while enjoying recreation and not having anything to do with the religious aspect of our relationship. There were a few pics taken from conventions, which were more like vacations to younger dubs.

    Outside of that and some memories, nothing from my JW life really holds any sentimental value.

    A couple of weeks ago I picked up my old, well-worn NWT Bible and I got slightly nostalgic for a moment. Then I remembered all the boring meetings and terrible speakers and bad WT readers. I got over the nostalgia pretty quick.

  • Hobo

    I still have my dog eared and much marked NWT bible- about the only reminder of my teens I have left except for some old pictures of me with my horses.

    I'm not sure why I keep the bible, except maybe to remind me what I'm free of.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    This is not about carrying anything from the watchtower days of sentimental value but about something weired that was given back to me.

    After about twenty five years of having nothing to do with the tower an old friend contacted me .This guy had been a friend after I had left the borg and I hadn't seen him since my wedding twenty years previously.We got talking about the old days and the good times when he happened to mention that he had something of mine. This turned out to be a wooden ruler.I recognised it right away by the scribble on it.I had used it for underlining the watchtower study material.This was so weired, why would he have this item, he wasn't even a witness ,and why keep it for all that time? Anyway I threw it on the fire I thought it might be demonised having underlined so many false promises and lies.

    I have kept a couple of photo's of a sister that I used to date cant't seem to throw them out .That's sentiment for you.

  • misanthropic

    I have tons of old photographs of my friends- but their boxed up and I don't look through it much.

  • reneeisorym

    I have pictures from the convention and pictures of family/friends from the borg. An album full. I have my NWT, Revelation book, live forever book, song book and the last Sunday Watchtower and kingdom ministry from when I suddenly left. I also have some notebooks from the convention with my notes in them. It reminds me of the mindset I was in at the time. Everytime I have that feeling that I miss it all, I read the notes and they make me barf and I change my mind.

    I clearly remember the day I through out my books from the society. I had like two big garbage cans and I threw out an entire large bookshelf full of the stuff. It was the strangest feeling. You spend all of your life thinking that you should treasure them and one day you find yourself tossing it all out to the road. I remember having 2 or 3 copies of some of the books and brochures that I had for the door to door work. It was strange throwing away brand new books. A good strange though.

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