Intelligent Design Clobbered Again

by AlanF 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AlanF

    Jehovah's Witnesses seem to have drifted toward the political notion of "intelligent design" in recent years. Several times since 1996 their literature has referenced the book Darwin's Black Box by Michael Behe, which book has become a kind of bible for IDers. The book introduces the notion of "irreducible complexity" in a formal way as disprove of evolution. Behe's claims have been thoroughly refuted in the scientific literature, and of course, Behe never even attempted to get a peer-reviewed article published. Hence, his resorting to the popular press.

    Behe's latest book, just published, is called The Edge of Evolution. In it Behe attempts to argue that mutations really do nothing for evolution by natural selection -- a real surprise to scientists. One scientist, Jerry Coyne of the University of Chicago, wrote a short but sweet refutation of Behe's latest claims in The New Republic. Here is a link:,1271,The-Great-Mutator,Jerry-Coyne-The-New-Republic . I had bought Behe's book a few days ago and got through the first three chapters. I'm not a biologist and have not the background to engage in any refutation like Coyne's, but I smelled something real fishy, and Coyne clearly pointed out why.

    Coyne wrote a general refutation of intelligent design:,1058,The-Case-Against-Intelligent-Design-The-Faith-That-Dare-Not-Speak-Its-Name,Jerry-Coyne-edgeorg


  • RunningMan

    I was wondering. I hang out at Richard Dawkins site now and then (just to shake off the stupidity that clings to my shoes as I walk through here), and I noticed that a fellow by the name of Allen from JWD had commented on an article by a fading JW. Is that you?

  • juni
    (just to shake off the stupidity that clings to my shoes as I walk through here)

    Then why do you bother posting if we are all so beneath you?

    Just toddle along.......join up w/those who are of your caliber and don't let the swinging door hit you in the arse....


  • AlanF

    I'm sure that's me, RunningMan.


  • eclipse

    Thank you for posting the link! Very informative.

  • RunningMan

    Over the years, I've seen evolution and creation debated to death. At first, I posted and participated, then just watched. A thread will thoroughly deal with the issue - from both sides, then the very next day, the same posters will begin the same thread all over again.

    This board is a fantastic place when it sticks to JW based issues. There's no place better for it. But, when it gets into fundamentalism or politics, then things tend to get really dumb. Richard Dawkins discussion board is a great place to get a breath of fresh air.

  • stillajwexelder

    Thanks for the links - brilliant resource Alan. Great Read

  • AlanF

    RunningMan said:

    : This board is a fantastic place when it sticks to JW based issues. There's no place better for it. But, when it gets into fundamentalism or politics, then things tend to get really dumb. Richard Dawkins discussion board is a great place to get a breath of fresh air.

    Which is precisely why I phrased my post as I did, and provided appropriate links. The JWs are most certainly gradually migrating toward IDist beliefs, and have been doing so by fits and starts ever since the WTS abandoned "flood geology" along with other young-earth creationist notions in the early 1980s.Understanding what the WTS is doing is good for ex-JWs, no?


  • TopHat
    Understanding what the WTS is doing is good for ex-JWs, no?


    NO, Not really...not interested....I was wondering WHY this subject was being posted again when it has been DONE to death.

  • AlanF

    EvilGambler: Here's a link to info about a brand new book . . .

    DunceCap: Why are you talking about old stuff that I don't understand?


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