Is the Society embarrassed to mention Disfellowshipping / Shunning Policy?

by Gill 25 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • fullofdoubtnow

    By keeping it a secret DF'd individuals can be gossiped about and scandal spread about them and the myth kept going that 'we only DF or shun people who cannot live up to Jehovah's (WT) standards. Less embarrassment and shame on the bOrg and more on the individual.

    That's exactly what happened to everyone who was df'd or who da'd themselves from the hall I went to. It was always because they didn't want to meet jah's standards, never because they'd seen through the bs, according to the elders anyway, who were and most likely still are the source of all the gossip.

    That's why shunning is so useful to them - those still in the org only get to hear one side of the story.

    As for being embarassed about the policy, the watchtower leaders are far too arrogant in their self-delusion of having the "truth" to feel embarassment, but I imagine they might be a little pi$$*d off when ex jws put the real reason they left on boards like this one, knowing that ther is a danger that some unsuspecting jw may venture in, read the story, and maybe start wondering themselves.

  • Gill

    Morning Linda!!!! How are you?!

    It is fear of slander and gossip that keeps JWs in line. It's a control mechanism of cults such as the Watchtower society. Peer pressure from people who have nothing better to do that gossip and tear apart the character of others is what keeps so many watchtower slaves trapped and what can be worse than someone saying that you are Disfellowshipped? What for? is the first question that springs to mind and with snippets of information always available it isn't long before everyone knows their own version of events!!! Disgraceful behaviour but very, very clever control!

  • Ténébreux

    It's funny how some concepts are either praiseworthy or deeply embarrassing, depending on the exact terminology used. We merely choose not to associate with wrongdoers; no we don't practice shunning, you've been misinformed. It's all about what word to use, what spin to put on it.

  • Gill

    Tenebreux - So right about the spin? I know my mother tends to tell me, 'Oh you just misunderstood everything you learnt when you were a Witness. You need a proper bible study to make you 'understand it properly'.

    Because so much Watchtower doctrine is laid out in ways that can be understood in many different way, the Watchtower members are able to put whatever spin they want on things whenever it suits in the example of a 'choice' when it comes to blood transfusions.

    In reality there is NO choice without hefty consequences!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Gill,

    I'm feeling quite well today, having not been on chemo for a few weeks.

    It is about control. Fear of being spiritually weakened by having contact with df'd or da'd persons, especially if they may be truning apostate, has kept many a jw from finding out the truth behind why many people leave the org, and still does. Making shunning a former jw a sign of loyalty to jah, and an action that he will approve of, serves to keep most from working out the real reason behind this so-called act of love.

  • Ténébreux

    Any statement that starts with "we" should not have the word "choose" anywhere in it, it's inherently self-contradictory. The "we" refers to the organization, but what exactly is an "organization" anyway? It's an abdication of personal choice to a system of centralized control, that's what.

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