Is the Society embarrassed to mention Disfellowshipping / Shunning Policy?

by Gill 25 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Gill

    Is the Watchtower Society secretly a little embarrassed by its shunning / disfellowshipping policy.

    I haven't seen much in the way of instructions on how to deal with the 'lliving dead' in the Watchtower and Awake magazines in the last few years. They tend to talk about DF'd persons as 'choosing a course of life that leads to DF ing rather than that harsh nitty gritty of how to treat or rather mistreat such people.

    Is this mistreatment only discussed in the Kingdom Ministry pamphlets now and deliberately kept hush hush?

    I should imagine the high mortatlity rate due to DF ing leading to suicides could be very embarrassing for the Organization.

  • blondie

    They make misleading statements about it, misrepresenting the results. The WTS tends to omit rather than commit. They did that with other doctrines such as the 7,000 year long creative day. When was that in a publication or mentioned from the stage recently?


  • nvrgnbk

    Good topic!

    I should imagine the high mortatlity rate due to DF ing leading to suicides could be very embarrassing for the Organization.

    Good point Gill!

  • NanaR


    What I have noticed is that they don't use the word "disfellowship" as much. As with the announcement, "So and so is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses", they talk about people who have "left" (never mind that they gave them a huge push).

    Your question sent me to searching the CD, where I did find something interesting. I know I have heard JWs deny that the organization practices "shunning" -- saying that this is not the correct word to use. However, I found this Kingdom Ministry article from 2002 --

    Kingdom Ministry August 2002 -- Display Christian Loyalty When a Relative is Disfellowshipped

    12 BenefitsofBeingLoyaltoJehovah: Cooperating with the Scriptural arrangement to disfellowship and shun unrepentant wrongdoers is beneficial. It preserves the cleanness of the congregation and distinguishes us as upholders of the Bible’s high moral standards. (1 Pet. 1:14-16)

    There it is -- in black and white -- Witnesses are to SHUN family members who are disfellowshipped. (The article was PARTICULARLY related to relatives -- and the example that immediately followed this statement involved someone shunning their MOTHER).

    Is the Watchtower "embarassed"? Absolutely NOT. Does the Watchtower hate bad publicity? Absolutely YES. Their SHUNNING policies have brought them plenty of that, so comments like this appear in the Kingdom Ministry (to which the public is not supposed to have access -- yeah, right). And in the future, these instructions will undoubtedly appear in the "koolaid" edition of the Watchtower.


  • Gill

    NanaR - Now that is an interesting quote from the Watchtower and only five years ago. Yet in five years the internet and information highway have blossomed. I too wondered whether Shunning instructions will be kept to the Kool Aid Watchtower. Whatever happens, that is going to be one very interesting Watchtower compared to the public issue!

    Blondie - It is the Watchtower 'double speak' that is so interesting. I think that is why JWs are so confused and always able to come up with the opposite quote from the Watchtower to the one you might mention to them. The watchtower society is an absolute 'artist' an speaking out of both sides of its mouth at the same time!

    nvrgnbk - I find the 'suicide problem' amongst the DF'd witnesses extremely worrying as I'm sure most of us here ont his board do. I have a couple of JWs locally in mind when I bring this up and one of them has a definite established pattern of suicide among family members who have been DF'd. I can only hope that the family members who continue to be JWs will learn from the last three members of their family who killed themselves. I fear for the present member who has been reproved. The last one to kill herself did so after previous attempts. Her parents approached the local elders pleading to be allowed to speak and stay in touch with her as she had such a serious depression. They said 'NO!' One of her sisters secretly visited her everyday and found her dead after a huge overdose. The Watchtower and its foolish slaves are an evil organization.

    Who else kicks a person in the head when they are already lying on the ground but total scum!

  • Mary
    Is this mistreatment only discussed in the Kingdom Ministry pamphlets now and deliberately kept hush hush? I should imagine the high mortatlity rate due to DF ing leading to suicides could be very embarrassing for the Organization.

    I wouldn't say they're 'embarassed' by the policy any more than they were 'embarased' by their harboring of pedophiles. I'd say they're more furious that their backwards and illogical interpretations of the scriptures that they've made into laws, are being exposed for the world to see. After all, if they are the one true religion and the only true followers of Christ, then none of their rules should be inflicting extreme depression or suicide on the flock and they certainly shouldn't be harboring criminals. Yet that's exactly what's happening. If they're 'embarassed' at all, it's only because of all the negative publicity they've been getting in recent years------they're not embarassed by the practice of these policies themselves.

    I think this is one of the main reasons why they're going to two different Watchtowers starting in January: to prevent 'worldly' people from finding out their horrific policy of shunning family members who decide to leave. It was either in 2005 or 2006 where they had two study articles in the Craptower about cutting off family members who are disfellowshipped. To the average person in the world who actually reads the magazines, this would be horrifying and they would most likely realize that this is a high control cult and would want nothing to do with it. I'm sure that starting in January, the WT that's placed for the public is not going to have any mention of shunning children, grandchildren, parents or grandparents in it. There's not going to be any mention of 'apostates' or the length of a sisters' skirt. It's a last ditch attempt to try and keep their disgusted doctrines away from the unsuspecting public.

    To me, it's like closing the gate after the horses have gone. The Organization has already exposed itself to a lot of bad press what with the pedophile scandal, the UN scandal and the blood doctrine. With the internet available to so many people, it's impossible for them to try and hide their stupid doctrines any more.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep


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  • Black Sheep
  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    I feel that the new "Members (ingoodstanding) Only" edition of the Watchtower magazine will be the new platform for such things. That is where they will be able to discuss these things hidden from the light of day.

  • Dismembered

    Dubs, along with their heinous teachings, have an air of arrogance. They walk around cocksure that whatever they're spoon-fed from Mamma Watchtower is faultess. Swelled headed perhaps, never embarrassed. Their teachings are from god, for crying out loud. Dismembered

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