Molested by JW who went to Bethel

by DeeR 23 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • flipper

    Deer, Mr. & Mrs. Flipper welcome you. You have our sincere sympathy for what happened to you. You have come to the right place for encouragement at jwd. Welcome to the site. Take care, and anytime you want to communicate or need help. There is an open door for you here with my wife and I , and all these fine people on this site. Also I highly recommend you get in touch with silentlambs. org. They are helping many victims of child abuse move on in their lives, to cope with things. Take care, unconditional love to you, the Flippers.

  • poppers

    Welcome to the forum DeeR (nice moniker). I am sure you will find many friends here, lots of support, and ideas on how to handle the emotional residue of what happened. Guys like him must be having troubling thoughts now that word is getting out about the recent legal case. Let your voice join others who have silently suffered and the whole rotten structure will collapse that much sooner.

  • free2think

    Welcome to the board DeeR.

    I'm so sorry for the things you have suffered but i am glad you are getting out and have found this board. It is a great place for support.

  • flipper

    Hello folks. I am bumping up this thread as we have a fellow poster here who I have been made aware needs some encouragement, especially lately. So would everyone please if they could join me in reaching out to this person , if you are in a position to do so. The elders apparently are trying to get a hold of her, and she needs some encouraging words

  • Abandoned


  • Lo-ru-hamah


    So glad that you are on your way out and sorry for the pain that you have had to deal with. There are many here who have, unfortunately, dealt with this same sort of abuse.

    Please stay and vent or whatever you need to help you heal.


  • hillbilly

    was'nt a red headed guy in west Tennessee, was it? He tried touchin' my leg once... but i was big encough to kick his A$$ so he backed off.

    sorry for your pain. You are among freinds


  • carla

    I'm so sorry for all you have been through in the jw's and welcome. You should know you are not alone and if you are not aware of the recent trials re: jw's & pedophiles you may want to check out Barbara Anderson's (also known as Barb A by some on the boards) cd, 'Secrets of Pedophilia in an American Religion- Jehovah Witnesses in Crisis' . Not sure what your therapist would say about checking into that or Silentlambs site either. It can be graphic so proceed with caution. Just didn't want you to think you were alone or the cause of molestation. All the best to you.

  • Bryan


    I'm sorry you're having a difficult time. My daughter almost made it out. I was to pick her up from her mother's (she was 18). I told her not to talk to anyone until I got her out. She just couldn't do it. Her mother and elders worked her over good. She called me crying saying she didn't want to die.

    Are the elders making you feel guilty? This is not something God uses to have a good relationship with him/her. Be safe and strong.

    My best,


  • flipper

    Thanks my dear friends for responding to this for our poster DEER. We want you to know that you have support and friends here DEER. Feel free to PM any of these fine people or me and Mrs. Flipper if you want to talk- we are here, you have our number

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