Share your pictures of being a child/baby whatever...or your childrens!

by KW13 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug

    Oh Merry! So damn sweet! the both of you. I just had to sigh! Oh you take my breath away you do!!

  • Mary

    Mr. Hyde's real baby pictures;\:



    LOL!!! Cute l'il bastard isn't he?

  • delilah

    LMAO....leave it to Hyde and Mary, to put doctored pics up on a legit thread... BTW, I love what you did to Hyde's baby pic....."Live long and prosper"....snicker....chortle....hahahaha

    Merry, you were so cute, as is your daughter.... have such beautiful blue eyes....surely your child will inherit them?!

    Mr. Hyde, were such a cutie puh-tootie too....have you had any PM's yet from wonton women desiring to have your babies ????

    Sparky, you and your babies are beautiful....I remember the pic of your son...he's cute too!!!

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    Thank goodness for vulcan babies!!! this thread is way too sweet (kinda like KW and his M and the one-on-the-way we all can hardly wait to see...)

  • BrentR

    My daughter Jessica with her two pygmy goats, Lily and Pearl. Her other one, Jasper was behind the rock and did not wat to be photographed.


  • misanthropic

    Ah! I love the baby pictures of everyone.

    I just got a ton of my old pictures scanned from when I was little. Here are a few I'll try to add captions:
    Me when i was little, I got in my moms mascara.

    4 of us when we were little (my youngest brother not born yet) on my dads little bike. No wonder why i love motorcycles now ;) I'm in the very front...

    Me and my older brother playing in the front yard- you can see my mom behind us and my little sister.

    My little sister (with the curly hair) and me eating at a park in Santa Fe, New Mexico when we were little

    last but not least one of my mom with me at the beach.

  • jaguarbass
  • KW13


    love your baby pic........those beautiful blue eyes!!

    reminds me of my youngest..........the blonde hair.........his is brown now

    Brought back some nice memories


    no problem, glad to share them - always nice to see other peoples pics (mines got brown too and my eyes are a different shady of blue but still blue )

    Ah that hair has been my torment. Keeps me humble....


    Ya.....I was wondering if you still had that damn picture.............LOL!

    *stalks off to do more evil work*

    lmao, did you read megans post? Mary? Haha Karl Just told me that Mary's Dad was a Austrian and a member of the nazi party and gets really upset when that photo is used and commented on....guliable me believed him and yea nearly edited it quickly coz i felt guilty haha bastard

    Me and my dad at the zoo, circa 1973


    KW13! You do have some Baby blues...WOW!!

    Thanks Sparkplug, yeh my eyes are still blue but different shade now unfortunately! (though megan likes them)

    Merry, love your pics too - looks a bit hot where you are

    LOL!!! Cute l'il bastard isn't he?

    haha! have such beautiful blue eyes....surely your child will inherit them?!

    Hoping so, megans got much darker eyes so we'll see eh?

    Thank goodness for vulcan babies!!! this thread is way too sweet (kinda like KW and his M and the one-on-the-way we all can hardly wait to see...)

    So long as our baby looks nothing like that one of Dr Hyde lmao

    My daughter Jessica with her two pygmy goats, Lily and Pearl. Her other one, Jasper was behind the rock and did not wat to be photographed.

    right, so where is your daughter? no no kidding, she looks very sweet

    misanthropic, those look like very treasured memories, certainly enjoyed looking at your pictures

    jaguarbass very nice pics! How old were you there and which is you?

  • Mysterious


    I don't have kids so how about my kitten ^_^

  • MsMcDucket

    This is the only one of me that I have as a small child.

    File0001.jpg I'm leaning on my sister. I had very curly hair.

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