Is Swearing Allowed???

by mtsgrad 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • mtsgrad

    As a good witness I only swore once (aloud) in my 30 year theocratic career (at work)

    Have any members here started $&^%ing since leaving the borg?

    A fairly new publisher once said in a talk "when a householder tells you to f%$ off". It was hilarious!

    Do you have any funny swearing stories?


  • jaguarbass

    I've been out since 83. When I was a tool maker, I swore. Now that I am a detention officer dealing with the public, I dont swear.

  • Mary
    Have any members here started $&^%ing since leaving the borg?

    Geeze......I don't even know where to begin with that one. No, I've never swore in my entire life.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    I hate to say something nice about a District Overseer, but I feel compelled.

    A couple years ago we had a substitute D.O. at a Circuit Assembly and he really seemed down to earth and likeable. Anyway, in his talk, he was talking about what great folks JWs are and one of the things he rattled off was "We don't cuss...................much." There was dead silence for a couple seconds and then a big laugh.

    There aren't too many good memories I have from assemblies, but that was one.

    Open Mind

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    I have to reply to this one!
    (I am presently getting ready to fly out at 5:15 this afternoon, for another 16 day roster at work).
    - Only moments ago, I was just telling my wife how, while on site, a cetain expletive becomes an essential part of ones vocabulary.
    This feeling is so strong, that I almost slipped one into the email I was writing to some people at work.

    Contrary to what the Borg used to say, having a good swear when things go wrong DOES release tension.
    A corollary to this is that when working in Papua New Guinea, things frequently do go wrong
    - therefore, a certain four letter word that rhymes with "truck" is frequently heard!

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    Geeze......I don't even know where to begin with that one. No, I've never swore in my entire life.

    MARY! You are such a little liar!! You're swearing is wearing off on me!! I never swore before I met you! lol


  • mtsgrad

    I think I have a fart fetish since the FART BUTTON ad has appeared on several of my posts.

    I love the substitute DO example. I bet he did not become permanent after that!

  • mtsgrad


  • wednesday

    sometimes a curse word is the only word that really describes how you feel. Other times not.

    I try and keep it to a dull roar.

  • mtsgrad


    I had no idea how my post could be interpreted by some. Naughty.

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