
by sexyk 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    Yes, well that's why JWs are JWs isn't it!

    Why do you think, an average of 3 a day sacrifice their lives or chldren's lives for lack of a blood transfusion?

    Why do you think they waste their evenings at glorified sales meetings?

    Why do you think they guilt trip themselves for missing meetings, not going to enough sales meetings etc?

    All are under the mind control of the Watchtower cult and held in their powerful vice like grip of fear!

    Your friend's behaviour is totally 'normal' for a JW and crackpot for the rest of the sane world!

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    It is very difficult to leave the JW religion with friends and family intact. I have no "friends" left in the JW religion. I still have family that are JW's, my molther and sister, they talk to me, but they also know my stand, we talked about it once, then agreed that would be it for discussion on that topic. My brother and his family are now out!!

    The best thing you can do is tell your friend you will always love her too, you will always be there for her whenever she needs you. You never know, there may come a time where she has questions or doubts and you will be the only one she can turn to for answers.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    I am sorry to hear that, but she is acting in accordance with what she has been taught, which most of here did at one time. I'm sure that she will miss you as much as you miss her, and maybe one day she will realise how wrong that teaching is.

  • Frank75

    The best thing you can do is tell your friend you will always love her too, you will always be there for her whenever she needs you. You never know, there may come a time where she has questions or doubts and you will be the only one she can turn to for answers.


    As BB said, all you can do is affirm your love for them and hope they get their own epiphany about the Watchtower religion. When the timing wasn't right, I am sure most of us here would have responded the same way to someone telling us that the religion was false.

    Their door may be shut but ours needs to remain open and friendly.

    The Watchtower dishes out some powerful voodoo so try not to take it personally.


  • looking_glass

    I agree w/ BB, but don't be surprised if you never hear from her again. When I first started fading a friend of mine who was like a big sister to me, essentially told me off. Several years later I heard that she was very sick and I sent her a card that said ... No matter where either of us is in life, I will always love you and if you ever need me, I am here. I never heard from her and I imagine I won't because she also was raised a JW and all her family are JWs, so it would be very frightening to her (I am sure) to leave the religion. And as you know, the religion is right or wrong, either you are in it 100% or not, so that means that if you are not in it (especially for those who use to be in it) then you are not to be trusted or associated with.

    I feel for you, really I do. Many people here have been in the same spot. Hang in there. The sadness will start to lessen, but for right now it just really sucks doesn't it.

  • unique1

    I am so sorry to hear that she was so close minded. It is amazing how crazy it is once you are on the outside. Try explaining that behavior to a "worldly" person and they will just drop their jaw in disbelief.

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    It's amazing how scared they really are to be near anything that is different than what they have been taught. They get so defensive. It must be a combination of fear and pride. They are taught they are superior to others, so they should always have the upper hand, the last word.

    I'm sorry this happened to you. I think about my old friends I grew up with as a JW. If they knew I quit, they would just tell me off. One of my friends was on the Awake cover a couple of months ago. My mother sent it to me. It brought back a lot of old memories. It was very sad to see how she committed her whole life to this organization and still hangs on to their promises.

  • eclipse


    My friends reacted the very same way....and my family, and my brothers and's not their fault they are so thoroughly brainwashed.

    I can't blame them since I would of reacted the VERY same way just 3 years ago.

    They may come around....just always be there for them, always show love and respect.

    You can show them how happy you are being out of the cult.


  • ex-nj-jw


    Unfortunately this is how most (if not all) JW's behave. It's called conditional love, I will love you and be there for you, but only if you belive in WTBS organization.

    It's all conditional, hang in there, find you some real friends that will be there for you no matter what religion you happen to believe in!!


  • theinfamousone

    hey im very sorry to hear that!!! poor girl doesnt realize that she is brainwashed, and the only people who can help her, well, she locks out cuz the (expletive deleted) borg doesnt allow her to listen... this kind of BULL makes me so angry... im fuming now... god, im sorry man, maybe one day she will start thinking for herself... for right now, just concentrate on bettering yourself

    the infamous one

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