What would you do?

by Xena 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Zena, this is a stretch. Try "THE MOST WANTED SHOW" call them or google them on line. See if someone there has had the same type of experience that you are going through and what advice do they have for you. John Walsh ( whose 6 year old son Adam was murdered and as a result has helped catch and prevent further crimes of this nature with his show ) has been very helpful when the police have not been able to do anything until a crime has been committed.


  • Xena

    I'm heading home. They aren't real happy but the guy has already violated this parole showing he is willing to go back to jail so it's no worth the risk IMO for me to stay here.

    Thanks for you imput, I appreciate it. I wanted to make sure I wasn't overreacting.

  • Finally-Free
    I can't link into the Quickbooks from my house and that is what I do most of my work on bis.

    There are many ways to connect to your desktop from home. Windows XP has remote desktop, and there are many other remote control programs available, such as PCAnywhere, remotely anywhere, go to my pc, dameware nt utilities, VNC which is free, etc. Get someone to set it up for you. Considering all things, your employer should pay to have it set up. It's not expensive.

    I've had more jobs than you've had years on this earth, and I can tell you one thing for certain. No job is worth risking your life for. Never.


  • Warlock


    Here is what I would do, and I'm not saying you should do it.

    I would take my .357 to work and it wouldn't be loaded with .38 ammo either.


  • Mum

    I'm heading home. They aren't real happy but the guy has already violated this parole showing he is willing to go back to jail so it's no worth the risk IMO for me to stay here.

    Excellent decision. You must be very shaky right now.

    Take care,


  • Emma

    If they do let you go, get a temp job until you're ready to leave the country. No amount of money is worth your life!

  • delilah

    Yup.....Go home, Xena. It's not worth the risk.

    The guy is all hat and no cattle. If he just got out of prison, he does not want to go back. Prison is hell.

    Some guys don't give a rat's a$$ about going back to jail. They have vengence on their minds, and they don't care about anything or anyone, until they get that revenge.

    Xena, stay safe hon. Your employer should understand, if they don't, too bad. You only have one life, and if that wing-nut comes bustin' through that door, guns a blazin', it's most likely he'll shoot before he realizes it's not who he's looking for. Then it might be too late for you.

  • Crumpet

    I am soooo worried about you now. Your employers must be made to feel obligated to either get in extra security or locks fitted. Just put a little pressure on about how its going to look really bad for them if anything happens to you because they were WARNED of danger to employees and they failed in their DUTY OF CARE and goodness - arent they brave to be taking that risk liability. Turnover must have been great last year. Have they made doubly sure just how much the INSURANCE PAYOUTS for lifetime paralysis on employees are if they neglect to provide proper protection. Bandy a few of these phrases around and see what happens! It should send them up shit creek.

    I have been on the wrong end of a man with a loaded weapon who was hunting down someone else. I was 14 at the time and its really not funny.

    Please do what ever you can to protect yourself. I would suggest Mace seems somewhat inadequate. Can you hire a scary rottweiler and bring it in to the office?

  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    Just hold up an Awake and Watchtower that should scare him off

  • bisous

    "I'm heading home. They aren't real happy but the guy has already violated this parole showing he is willing to go back to jail so it's no worth the risk IMO for me to stay here.

    Thanks for you imput, I appreciate it. I wanted to make sure I wasn't overreacting."

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