Disfellowshipping smokers is an outrage!

by yaddayadda 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • carla

    What do they say about this script then?

    Matt 15:11

    It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man." (NASB ©1995)

  • blondie

    First, I think Jesus was talking about ritual handwashing before you eat. That it was not soiled food his followers were eating that could defile them, it was words and concepts like the "religious leaders" used that defiled, in this case, God's word.

    I can't find that scripture ever commented on in the WT-CD in conjunction with smoking, cigars, cigarettes, etc.

    But the WT RL do defile themselves by being concerned about smoking in comparison to the WT publications that have defiled God's word for years.


  • carla

    I agree with you Blondie, just wondering if it could be used as the jw's twist things so strangely anyway. Like when they use the old Test. script about blood but leave off the part about not eating fat. Yeah, I know they have a few others for the blood issue but mine has used that one and when I ask him to finish the paragraph he has no comment about jw's eating fat and tries to use a different one.

    And a very Happy Birthday Blondie!

  • Gill

    Why not DF Fat JWs?

    Aren't they equally 'abusing' their bodies?

    Aren't they showing lack of 'Fruits of the SPIRIT?'

    Why not DF those who swear and curse?

    What's that? There wouldn't be ANY JWs left in the KHs! Now that's an idea!

  • Mary
    In what way is mild smoking a gross sin that is deserving of such a harsh punishment? How on earth does the Society make the connection between the scriptural exhortation to 'cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit' (2 Cor 7:1 & 2) to taking the extremely harsh measure of denying a smoker the right to any contact with their fellow congregation members, friends, and JW family? 2 Cor 7: 1 & 2 is hardly forceful enough to justify disfellowshipping.

    They use it as a prime example of "defiling" your body and showing "gross disrespect" for the gift God gave you. While this might be true (and no one hates cigarette smoking more than me), there's a few things they should consider when dolling out such a harsh punishment:

    1. Most smokers would probably like to quit. However, it's common knowledge that smoking is highly addictive and it's not just a matter of stopping. The psychological and physical impact can be severe and instead of being punished even further by being cut off your family and friends, perhaps they should have programs to help someone quit. Even if someone doesn't want to quit, it's a piss-poor reason to cut them off their family and friends. Plus, it's clearly "going beyond what is written", as smoking is not mentioned anywhere in the bible as a disfellowshipping offense.
    2. If they're going to DF you practicing something that pollutes your body, then they should be consistent: They should DF anyone who eats junk food, drinks too much booze or takes prescription medication. This would involve 99% of all Witnesses, so for obvious reasons they leave all of these "sins" out.
    3. What about a brother who's an auto-mechanic? Those poor buggers breathe in more harmful toxics than a smoker----why are they allowed to chose this as a means of employment knowing that they're "polluting their temple"??
    4. There's nothing in the scriptures that even hints that the extreme form of shunning practiced by the WTS, was practiced in the first century congregation.

    As per usual, the Society's man-made rules are selective, arbitrary and cannot be found in the bible. Rather than being kind and helpful to someone struggling with an addiction, their answer is to be as harsh as possible, all for the sake of "appearances". Pharisaic behaviour at its finest.

  • Gill

    What has just made me smile is the thought of the Church of England Vicar who goes to the C of E school that my children attend. He turns up in his black robes and dog collar and a cigarette hanging out of the side of his mouth, astride a Harley Davidson motorbike and a bible in his back pack!!

    He shouts 'Hello to all us mums as he strides up the path, no matter who we are, or what religion, or not even in a religion. How unlike the JW elders!

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    They do so that they can suck the fun out of life and micro manage your every move. If they can tell you how to have sex they can tell you not to smoke. It's pathetic.

  • garybuss

    If you smoke around me, I'm gonna assume you're on fire and turn the hose on ya.

  • Frank75

    I prefer cigarette smoke any day than the lethal effects of malicious gossip in the local KH.


    Amen to that and Hallelujah sister!

    Glad to be rid of it too!


  • Frank75

    Why not DF Fat JWs?

    Aren't they equally 'abusing' their bodies?

    Aren't they showing lack of 'Fruits of the SPIRIT?'

    That would spell catastrophe for the dubs. I'm sure it has been suggested, but fat people are just too cuddly!

    Why not DF those who swear and curse?

    What's that? There wouldn't be ANY JWs left in the KHs! Now that's an idea!

    Just try telling an elder to F off and see how long before you're df'd for it or some other trumped up charge.


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