Im Pregnant!

by katiekitten 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • katiekitten

    hey gang, ive been away for a while so I thought I would come back with a bang, and share my good news - Im 4 months pregnant.

    But heres the really weird thing. Littletoe knew before I had told anyone. He texted me and said "hows the pregnancy going?" and the only people who knew were me and my partner!!! I hadnt even been to the doctors. Its not like he even saw me getting big, I havent seen him in at least 2 years.


  • fullofdoubtnow


    I am so happy for you!!


  • MidwichCuckoo

    Congrtaulations Katie - what on Earth got into you? Lol

  • katiekitten

    Thank you Linda. How are you feeling?

  • katiekitten
    what on Earth got into you


    I dunno, if its anything like the last one, its an immaculate conception.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    You are welcome Katie, Trev sends his congrats as well.

    As for me, I finished my chemo last week, for now anyway. The cancer is smaller, but not gone, and I have an appointment with the doctor next thursday to discuss future treatment, which I'll post about, or Trev will.

    I've felt a bit stronger not having chemo, and I don't miss the feeling of nausea after each session at all! I combatted nausea by smoking pot, which was enjoyable lol, though only for medicinal purposes of course. Some days, I was too high to post!

  • misanthropic

    Congratulations!!! I've wondered what you've been up to- apparently you've been pretty busy ;-)
    Interesting- LT is a psychic

  • Crumpet

    O MY GOD! Am not sure which is the freakiest! hat you are pregnant - and I am so happy for you honey! We miss you on here and lots of times you got asked about when I was in Dallas a few weeks ago for the wedding and fest.

    But LT knowing! That is so freaky I cant sit down!

  • free2think

    Congratulations Katie Kitten.

    That LT is all seeing and all knowing,

  • katiekitten

    Hey Crumpy - you went to Dallas??!! Awesome!!

    I just got addicted to Dallas again on UK Gold. Im hoping it will still be on when im off on maternity leave. Its awesome. Every episode JR has a cunning plan to enhance the finances of Ewing oil, but its always at the expense of someone happiness. Sue Ellen always has a whisky and says "youre looking maghty pleased with yourself JR" - which means he up to something evil.

    Then Bobby finds out and gets in the car with Ray while Pamela covers for them (there going to check out the perimeter fence Miss Ellie), sorts it out, and someone tells a lie to cover for the person whose life JR was going to ruin.

    At the end JR is having a drink with Jock, and hes as mad as hell but he cant say anything because Bobby is looking rightous and Miss Ellie is with him.

    Anywho - did you know anything about Littletoe being psychic, Crumpy?

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