Carniverous animals... SHOULD they eat grass?

by LtCmd.Lore 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • TD
    I remember an elder telling me in all seriousness that during WWII, lions and other carnivores in London zoos were fed straw because of a meat shortage, and that the cats' health was better than when they ate meat.

    I don't know about the big cats in the London zoo being healthier during WWII or not but the part about the vegetarian diet is semi-true.

    But with most things JW, the, "Devil is in the details" as they say and all the important details are left out here. JW's seem to think this means the big cats were eating alfalfa pellets like rabbits LOL.

    The reality is there are no wild forms of vegatation on this planet that in any way approximate what these big cats were fed and there are several reasons for this:

    Probably the single biggest problem involved with a large, robust animal subsisting on a vegetarian diet is protein. Plant material generally is not high in protein. This doesn't mean that it's impossibe for a big, strong animal to be a vegetarian, (Like the elephant or Cape buffalo for example....) it's just that it must have an efficient mechanism for assimilating protein from the vegetation that it consumes. First and foremost, in order to gain access to the proteins within the cell, a vegetarian must rupture the cell walls of plant material.

    With animals that are designed to be vegetarians, this occurs in a two stage process: 1: Mechanical breakdown (i.e. Grinding with the teeth) 2. Chemical breakdown (i.e. Biological breakdown in multi-chambered stomachs or enlarged hindguts.) A big cat is capable of neither. It lacks both the high-crowned grinding teeth to start the process as well as the specialized digestive organs to finish it.

    Another problem with big cats is taurine. Taurine is an essential amino acid that is not found in vegetation. Animal that are designed to be vegetarians can syntheize taurine from other amino acids but no member of the cat family can do this. When a cat is fed a vegetarian diet, it must be fortified with taurine from a non-vegetarian source (e.g. Meat or bone meal) or the cat will die.

    In a zoo, these problems are easily overcome because this is not a problem for Man. After all, humans have been grinding wheat to make flour for thousands of years and any commercial dry pet food is a mixture of a variety of constituents that has been thoroughly ground, processed and fortified. In the wild, though this would be entirely impossible.

  • Finally-Free
    Puffer fish would never puff up. Camelians would never change colors. Spiders would never build webs. Wasps would not attack spiders. Turtles wouldn't ever even have to go in their shell. Lepords would NOT chase gazelles. Purcupine quills would be rendered useless, along with bee stingers and snake venom. Obviously viruses would be totally extinct, which negates the need for an immune system. Cats wouldn't chase mice. Bats wouldn't chase moths. I dunno if Venus fly traps would still work or not. Ant colonies would not battle. Humans wouldn't build fighter jets or tanks. Armadillos would not curl up, nor would pill bugs. Sharks and dolphins wouldn't coordinate their attacks. Birds wouldn't swoop down to catch a fish or mouse.

    Does that mean my bird, Rocco, would stop puffing up and spreading his wings while hissing at my landlord? I think the JW idea of "paradise" would take much of the pleasure out of living.


  • eclipse

    Paradise with only grass-munchers? sounds just as fun as watching paint dry.

  • gumby

    According to dub theology, animals didn't eat meat before Adams transgression. They never explain WHY dinosaurs have been found with meat in their bellies.


  • SirNose586

    Great points...animals that don't do anything conflict to make things interesting.

    No thanks.

  • Finally-Free
    According to dub theology, animals didn't eat meat before Adams transgression.

    Another example of the 'god of justice' in action. Adam and Eve eat fruit, and suddenly many species of animals become food for others, having to suffer for this alleged "sin" committed by humans. Nice.


  • gumby
    Another example of the 'god of justice' in action. Adam and Eve eat fruit, and suddenly many species of animals become food for others, having to suffer for this alleged "sin" committed by humans. Nice.

    Ditto FF.

    I guess it's the same reason billions of human must suffer for the sins of just two.

    Actually, the dubs have never given any scriptural proof as to why animals would turn on one another for food. The bible only says that god put a fear of man into the animals when he gave man the permission to kill them for food, but WHY this would cause them to prey on one another makes no sense.

    Besides, when Noah and family were given permission to eat animals, where did they get the animals? Was it from the ones they just spared in the flood? If that was the case, how did they reproduce if only two were permitted into the ark and Noah spears and eats one of the poor bastards? Did he wait till they had babies, let them grow big, and then eat just a few of the babies and spare some for reproduction? It's just gets sillier and sillier if you follow it through.


  • gaiagirl

    A food chain will simply collapse if there are no carnivorous animals to keep the vegetarian animals in check. In the absense of carnivorous predators, vegetarians multiply until they outstrip the ability of the environment to feed them, resulting in an overgrazed wasteland with no vegetation left to stop erosion, and eventually the environment will not support any type of creature.

  • riverofdeceit

    Then of course, never an explanation for Tick's, Fleas, and mosquitos.

  • Tigerman

    You mean no Double Burgers with extra cheese, and some deep fried Jalapeno peppers on the side, all washed down with a seriously large rootbeer ? Jeah, I think I'll teach my kids to start munching the freshly cut yard in the Sonic lot while I'm contemplating the magic of the mango/vanilla ice cream sundae topped with nuts and cherries.

    And then what the kids don't eat I'll pass out their leftovers to the other animals that haven't eaten in a while.

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