WOL: Free to remarry

by Moxy 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Moxy

    dont know if anyone pointed this thread out already or not but its pretty fascinating. the incredible number of posts in a short time in what is normally a pretty slow forum shows how difficult a situation this for witnesses. there are so many interesting and wacky comments being made there, you'll just have to read it for yourself.

  • DIM


  • Princess

    Why is it they don't require two witness for proof of adultery as they do with child molesters?


  • Bridgette

    can anybody say: STALKING? This thread seemed like an instructional pamphlet for stalking estranged spouses.
    How pathetic when you can't take responsibility for your own life, and move on. Also, I noted this: "Her car didn't move all night, and the next morning I called and confronted her." offered as proof of an estranged wife's guilt. Well, this exact same thing happened to a sister in reverse (they parked all night in front of the husband's girlfriends house) and his car never moved. The elders still wouldn't grant it, because there was not enough proof. Of course, the whole elder body was a pack of good ole boys. She didn't want to be free so she could go out and find a "nice brother" (an oxy-moron imo) she desperately wanted closure. This guy had been severely emotionally and verbally abusive (to her and her children) for years and years--she finally gets the guts to leave with her 5 kids, and she got zero support from the congregation. In fact, she was viewed as somewhat of a Jezebel.

  • pettygrudger

    Love our little boops comments - she blackmailed her ex!!!! Hmm...is that christian, or is okay to fall on "worldy" tactics to get what you want? Im sure her elders approved of her actions (she's one of the owners/moderators of greatcrowd.net)

  • SixofNine

    I saw this one too. It is just so sad.

    And while I now think that the bible is the biggest load of horseshit ever foisted upon the human race, I can't help but notice the lack of biblical support for allowing a committee of 3 men in bad suits to decide if ones spouse/ex is actually "doing the deed" or not.

    Perhaps someone could remind me of the scriptural support for this?

    So sad because, as that thread shows, it is not uncommon at all for witnesses to get beaten up by this issue.

  • Moxy

    i agree. beyond the wackiness and incredultity, this thread is mostly just sad. very sad. the posters seem desperate for answers. several seem to note the unfairness and inconsistency with teeth clenched.


  • LDH

    Wow, these people are SICK! What's wrong with having personal integrity in the cong? Why do the elders have to ok every little movement?

    That's why I'm out. If my JW husband was cheating, I would file for divorce WITHOUT consulting the elders! Who do they think they are?

    So busy 'washing their hands up to their elbows' in supposed observance of the law, that they have totally eclipsed the importance of the new covenant given to Christians.


  • SixofNine
    So busy 'washing their hands up to their elbows' in supposed observance of the law, that they have totally eclipsed the importance of the new covenant given to Christians.

    Astute comment Lisa, that about sums it up.

    How do people like Shelby and Ariel stay in it for so long? I mean, I know you two (if your reading ) will be out eventually, my dear sisters, but why are you clinging to that icky org like a frightened baby? And Natty? Don't get me started on Natty, you are Soooo much better than the people you associate with.

  • riz

    Have any of you ever felt so much like you wanted to laugh and vomit at the same time? My goodness, that was difficult to read.

    Actually, that whole rule about being 'scripturally free to remarry' always made me angry. What a load. If you and your (ex)spouse are divorced, who's business is it if you want to remarry?

    If you're a witness you have to wait until you have 'proof' that your ex had sex with someone, or you will be the one getting disfellowshipped for adultry if you remarry.

    What a bunch of crap! I think if someone has a problem with you getting remarried after a divorce, you should tell them to go piss up a rope. Scripturally free, my ass.


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