After reading many topics.. I'm confused. Is this a JW forum or an ANTI-JW?

by MichaelM 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


    The Watchtower Society does not encourage what happens on this site - open discussion of doctrine and policies. That policy of insulation that they promote might set off alarm bells for some - I hope it does for you.

    Please stick around and discover why so many have left. I felt as you do - it sounded wonderful and looked to be correct scripturally - 40 years later I find out otherwise. Best to make such examination now while you are young and have not committed to the religion.


  • MichaelM

    Well it seems more logical than what ive listened to and observed from others. It makes sense to me that there isn't a Trinity. Didn't jesus ask for his fathers help or guidance? Why would he have to do that if he was God himself? How can God create someone of equal power to him? Why would you wear a cross if Jesus died on a cross? If he got shot by a gun would you wear a gun around your neck? Idols of worship like pictures and items aren't needed.. These things I like and make sense to me. I'm still very ignorant when it comes to Bible reading I have only touched the top of the mountain. I will use my judgement to what makes sense and perhaps down the road I will see something more clearly, who knows? I do feel that you should know God's name to the best of our interpretation. I would feel closer that way. It doesn't make sense to me to say God and Jesus, or it should be.. God and the Son.

  • penny2

    Hi MichaelM, welcome to JWD! Feel free to post on here if you wish. I am still officially a Jehovah's Witness although I haven't been to meetings for a while.

    I no longer believe Jehovah's Witnesses "have the truth" but I mostly keep this to myself. If I told my family (who are almost all JWs) they wouldn't be allowed to associate with me. I would find this difficult to cope with. This is a good outlet for discussion with others who understand.

  • bigmouth

    "Didn't jesus ask for his fathers help or guidance? "--That he did Michael.

    The problem you will find is that the borg (you'll get that ;)) believes you should ask the Watchtower Publishing Company for guidance. The WT is believed to mediate between God and men, not Jesus.

  • brinjen
    I'm still very ignorant when it comes to Bible reading I have only touched the top of the mountain.

    Then I would strongly encourage you to study the bible much more closely, with literature other than the JWs. Don't take their word for it because it makes sense to you, a lot of things can make sense if you present them in the right way, dosen't mean they are correct. You need to find the truth out for yourself, you may regret it severely if you don't.

  • MichaelM

    Hmmm... Interesting. I need to go to sleep but thanks for the responses.

  • blondie

    I would say it is more anti Watchtower Society and its lies and policies. Most of were JWs or are married to JWs; some of us are still trapped in an organization that says one thing and most often does another and come here to get more honest and safe discussion about it. Sometimes as JWs we thought something was just a local problem or one or two weird, out of control elders. Here we find where it is an organizational problem and how we can deal with it without losing our minds and our family and friends. Sometimes it works.

    So what is your background with the Watchtower Society and/or some of its members? Family, neighbors, workmates, etc.?

    Blondie (3rd generation, just walked away, no big repercussions yet)

  • jgnat
    Well it seems more logical than what ive listened to and observed from others.

    So you like your religion to make sense. I can understand that.

    I will use my judgement to what makes sense and perhaps down the road I will see something more clearly, who knows?

    I have a few beefs with the JW study method. I find JW's jump around a lot to make their beliefs sound more solid than they are. I would suggest that you insist on reading the scriptures before and after to get the full context and meaning. I also suggest you privately read a full book of the bible, and make notes of the key messages. Then compare it to your study leader's message. For some reason, the JW's don't often quote the book of John.

  • mrchuffster

    Hi Michael,

    I'm a witness, have been for 20 years and so is my wife, we only still go because all her family are witnesses and she doesn't want to lose them (be shunned ) if she decides to leave. You'll find a lot of people here in that situation. This is a high control group, make no mistake, proceed with caution and don't be fooled by all the promises of love and friendship. Trust me, once you commit there is no honorable way out of the organisation. Ask questions and research everything, don't be fobbed off with half baked answers to serious questions.

    Any questions, just PM me.

    All the best in your journey Michael.


  • blondie

    I would recommend using at least one other cross-reference Bible in your pre-study. You will be discouraged from using anything other than the New World Translation with the witness since they consider it the most accurate Bible ever. Remember though that until 1950 to 1960, they only used other Bibles only have parts of the NWT in English to prove and support their doctrines and teachings.

    Remember to read the scripture in context. The Watchtower Society is notorious for using snippets (phrases) and cited scriptures and flooding the paragraph with so many that only an intrepid Bible student will find the time to check them all and read them in context.

    Don't be afraid to ask questions and if you are told that the question is answered later in the WT book, ask to be shown at least where you can read it later at your convenience. Don't be surprised if they can't find the passage.

    Here is a site that has many Bibles and puts the passages next to each other for easier comparison. Sorry, it doesn't pull in the NWT.

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