So sick to death of the whole 'find Maddie' campaign - now includes Pope

by needproof 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    core made a good point - if the parents had been less wealthy, 'ordinary' folks, I too suspect that the media would have had them hung, drawn and quartered for leaving the kids in the first place.

  • fifi40

    I have to say, if it was my daughter, and regardless of my own stupidity (which I am sure they are beating themselves up over beyond our wildest imagination) I would use every possible means I could to get her back............and whilst I agree their chances are slim if I were in their shoes and could rip the world apart to find her I would.

    Dare I suggest that if because of the huge media coverage one of us were actually able to identify her and have her returned to her parents, our criticism of this may be forgotten?


  • needproof

    Interesting point Fifi - although I am confident she will turn up alive and well.

  • wednesday

    this am, in an area outside Fort worth Texas, a single mom hung her 4 children and then herself. one 8 month old survived.

    so many sad tragedies involving children

    there has been much said involving Maddie, and i hope they find her .

    They are saying the sex slave and children porno people really want blonde hair blue eyes little girls.

    we live in such a sick world

  • juni

    Interesting point needproof. I agree. The wealthy do get the coverage. And yes it is sad as it's a child missing - wasn't her fault she had idiots for parents who left her alone...

    I've seen this before though. Parents leave their kids home asleep and use baby monitors to listen while they are at the corner bar (pub).

    Too many idiots have children.


  • Zico

    Really as much as 70,000 a year? That sounds like a lot, and it does make the attention this 'find Maddie' is getting seem a bit strange.

  • needproof

    Yes, 70,000 a year according to ukmissingkids dot com.

    If we stopped idiots from having children, then the human race would become extinct in 100 years.

  • Gill

    There is no mystery as to why this case has hit the headlines. The parents are wealthy, good looking doctors! Just the kind of people that others expect nothing bad to happen to. However, they make a foolish mistake and lose their most precious gift.....possibly forever.

    This is a lesson to everyone as to what really matters and to never leave your children unattended.

    There is good reason why child minding, child care, nannys etc exist....because they are absolutely essential to our chldren's welfare. These parents, sadly forgot this important fact, and this is a reminder to all of us!

    I don't agree they aren't being villified. They are seen as having been foolish, just as a parent who didn't strap their child into a car seat.

    Sadly, some of the 'viewing' of this case is just people who can say, 'even WE knew not to ever leave our children on their own, and look what they did, and the end results!'

    The parents are pushing to find their daughter and pushing the right buttons with the press.

    I hope they find the poor innocent child, but sadly I suspect this is very unlikely and they will sadly, be mortified over their tragic error and someone elses evil intentions for the rest of their lives.

    There are many people who have suffered this loss, but non so publicly and so desperately over a tragic foolish mistake that they can never take back.

    I wouldn't like to be the one to point the finger at them. I wouldn't like to feel their pain, guilt and remorse and their fear that they will never ever know the fate of their much loved daughter. The very thought of that black pit of despair is enough to send a shudder down my spine!

  • Abaddon

    She's a pretty, white. blonde girl from a good family with educated parents.

    I totally agree with 'what about the rest'?

    But I also know if such a tragedy befell me or mine I would ride the press until it screamed like the whore it is to keep the story in the press.

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    This story was on South African news too. Here is a story of parents that go out for dinner and leave their little children at home by themselves as far as I'm concered the parents should have ordered room service and stayed with the kids!! Have you any idea how may children in this country are raped everyday? How many children are murdered for the use of "muty" or whitch doctor remedies! These strories no longer even make evening news!

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