What Was Your Social Life Like As A Witness?

by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    As a kid, most of our cong was a good drive away, so I didn't have any JW friends. I used to hang out with a girl from school who lived nearby until we got caught smoking together and mum banned me from seeing her. Then a sister in the cong started a youth group; a dozen of us would go over once a week to go through the YPA together, we were quite close for a few years, but when I left (for more time to start bible studies) it broke up. One by one they got disfellowshipped and when I had no more friends I moved to the city. I hung out with a younger JW girl who liked to go nightclubbing and I took it up. We were really square; get there early, drink only water, leave to get a good nights sleep, still, we were nightclubbing so I wasn't considered good association, so I didn't have a JW social life then.

    Moved to the other side of the country to leave the cult, and somehow hooked up with some JWs and stayed for a while longer. I was the instigator in that group, organising parties and ski trips, weekends on the coast. I left that town, moved to a new one with old nightclubbing friend; she was still playing her games but as a pioneer now, and knew everybody. We had a lot of parties, but they were all her friends, and that's when my mind moved out of JW mode. She was so shallow, and picked shallow friends. We were always doing something, but I always hated it because I was becoming deeply troubled and couldn't talk about it with these prissy little princesses everywhere. I stopped going out with them, they stopped asking me out. A couple of years later we were total strangers sharing an apartment. The day I moved out of there, knowing I'd likely be disfellowshipped, was the day I started living.

  • minimus

    Brin, how horrible it is to realize that you're unwanted.

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