What Was Your Social Life Like As A Witness?

by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    My (ex)wife and I asssociated with a few other couples and was considered "popular" by most everyone in the Hall, so my social life was quite good.

    How was your social life? Did you have much of one??

  • reneeisorym

    I followed the 2 popular elder's daughters who were really really bad but always seemed to get away with stuff. My parents thought they must be good association since they were elder's kids....

    The other two elder's daughters were really good and absolutely no fun at all.. LOL! They talked about how they ate alone at school outside so they wouldn't have worldly association. hahaha

    I never really fit in though. .. I fit in much better now that I'm in the "world". NOW I have a social life.

  • minimus

    Yes. Worldly people are sooooo much more fun.

  • Heather

    I had a very hard time fitting in. i had one good friend that was about as crazy as I was. I was more the outcast of the cong. my parents homeschooled me so i had no socal life beyong the KH. I liked to dye my hair....alot....and i pierced my ears myself ...which i got in trouble for.....Lets just say...people in the hall thought I was wierd and stayed away while talking behind my back. Then after I got married....my husband(JW) got into drugs and everyone still talked about me behind my back.....I don't think they ever stopped.

  • brinjen

    I was an outcast in my congregation, I was in a single parent family as my mother never married so we were considered 'spiritually weak' because of this. As a rule, the elders also discouraged witnesses socialising with each other too much as this created the perfect atmosphere for gossip (unless you were related to one of the elders then you could socialise all you wanted).

  • Pubsinger

    I knew EVERYONE.

  • garybuss

    My social life was like the Watch Tower Society's neutrality, it was more of a teaching than a reality.

  • Odrade

    Good in some ways- especially when I was a kid, really bad in others. The social experience is what led us to be inactive. We got blacklisted from ALL social activities after I tried to get the elders to do something about the (habitually) drunk M.S.'s wife who screamed at me at a party in front of a whole bunch of people for not allowing her to grope me. (I don't like drunk people touching me.) Not a single person at the party (including elders and pioneers) would admit that they saw anything. Bunch of damn liars closing ranks I guess.

  • free2think

    My family were popular, elders fam, but I had really poor health so I wasn't very popular.Most of the time I would get over looked. It even went so far that poeple would ring for the house and I if I answered the to speak to my would ask my sibling and invite them out but not me and it was people of both sexes. I felt so loved growing up, I really miss those guys.

  • blondie

    1) It is hard to fit in socially when your father is not a JW. You are viewed as bad association.

    2) Single female JWs over 25 are not so popular either.

    3) Married couples where both husband and wife are JWs, who have a few dollars, and where the husband is an MS or elder tend to be the most popular.


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