What is your biggest problem with the JW religion?

by jambon1 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Warlock

    It has the "Fonzi Syndrome".

    It has a real hard time saying "I'm sorry" and when it does, it blames the R & F.


  • NanaR

    That it divides families...

    That it demands judgmentalism on the part of members, and also dictates what their judgment must be...

    That it misrepresents and lies about other religious traditions while hiding its own past...


  • jaguarbass

    They have gone out of their way to be recognized as false phrophets.

  • flipper

    They demand and get blind obedience....they are Nazis. flipper

  • theinfamousone

    don't go learn anything that is not typed by the dubs themselves... you know our awake magazines are as good as a three year Bachelor of Arts at any american university???? BS

    the infamous one

  • undercover

    Do you want it alphabetically or chronologically?

    Seriously though, I would have to say the control factor. Controlling people to the point that everything they do, say and think is Watchtower approved.

    What they read, what they watch, what they listen to, what they think even is manipulated by the leadership.

    Even to the point of influencing what medical choices people must make. To make sure that the dubs don't give in to doctor's pressures, they created the Hospital Liason Committee, who shows up whenever a JW might have to have a serious operation. Nothing like an inquisition squad on hand to make sure you obey the directives.

    Next would be the shunning. Not DFing/DAing necessarily, but the result of that announcement is what is wrong. JWs shun people and they don't even know why. They shun because they're told to shun. I can understand individuals deciding to not associate with someone that they don't like or who may have caused them problems, but the group shunning is destructive. I avoid a certain family member because they have shown that they can't be trusted. But that's my personal decision. If others wish to associate with that person, that is their choice and their right. I can't rally people to shun that person because they've caused me problems.

    But this group shunning goes back to the control thing. If they can't control an individual who may have broken a rule, then they'll control the group from associating with the bad influence.

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    It causes people to throw away their future (college and retirement planning)

    honestly, I think that the above were practices you found with JWs 30 years ago but not anymore. Able young JWs flock into the university nowadays and pension schemes are compulsory by law in France, and I believe in most western countries. JWs are getting acustomed to the idea that A is not going to occur very soon and that they have a lifetime to achieve, whatever the WTS may write in magazines and say from the platform.

    IMO, the prohibitive flaw with this organizatio is that it minds more for its own preservation than for the defense of the truth and the flock's well being. It is therefore inwardly repressive and crushes any attempt on the part of those who wish to alleviate the stifling atmosphere that permeates congregations. It will expell as an alien element anyone who wants to excercise free speech, through shunning. One doesn't even have to DA or be DFed to be shunned, since the 'unhonorable earthen pot" theory is conveniently here at hand to justify actual shunning within the congregation by means of marking. The result is that JWs are basically unhappy, and it shows...

  • serotonin_wraith

    Mental child abuse. The indoctrination and fear instilled in their children. A picture of people dying horribly, in a book of Bible stories for kids - disgusting!

    Making a connection between masturbation and demons - disgusting! A quote from Learn from the Great Teacher-

    The Bible talks about the male "genital organ," or penis. (Leviticus 15:1-3) The female genital parts are called the vulva. Jehovah created these parts of the body for a special purpose that should be enjoyed only by married people. It makes the demons happy when people do things that are forbidden by Jehovah. For example, the demons like it when a boy and a girl play with each others' penis or vulva. We don't want to make the demons happy, do we? --

    If adults want to be taken for a ride, fair enough. They're old enough to do what they like. But the children have no say in the matter. They are brainwashed before they are able to think for themselves, and as many people can attest to, it can cause lasting damage.

  • golf2

    Christ-like people, who are they kidding ? LOVE, where is it?


  • 144001

    Its encouragement and facilitation of mental and physical abuse of children as well as its exploitation and manipulation of children. The actions of the "Society," in this regard, are those of despicable, subhuman gristle.

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