No outlet for unattractive men in this society...

by Gregor 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    Thank you for your 2 cents Black Unicorn. Very meaningful, as usual.

    I have known a few guys in my life who were very open about having used prostitutes to take care of their "needs". Without exception, they had neither a 'normal' view of women or of sex. They saw all women, basically, as prostitutes...that sex was *always* in some way a financial transaction, and that *all* women had sex for money. Basically, they didn't really like women much.

    I can't say whether their visits to prostitutes were the cause or the effect. But something was wrong somewhere.

    Interesting and revealing observations asleif.

  • MsMcDucket

    I got a different take on this. I think someone kind of mentioned what I am thinking. These so-called unattractive men are not attracted to so-called unattractive women. I remember a statement by Wesley Snipes on why he didn't care for black women. He said that they didn't like him when he was "nobody". I think he meant that attractive black women didn't like him when he was "nobody". Probably, NO attractive woman liked him when he was "nobody". When he became a popular movie star a lot of women that he would have never been exposed to him started thinking that he was the bomb! But he only could think about the attractive black women that didn't like him? He ended up marrying a beautiful Asian model.

    Then there's all of these unattractive men with beautiful wives! What magic are they working? There's too many single lonely women out there for me to believe that a man can't attract a woman. They just don't like the woman that they attract IMHO. I, also, find it strange that a lot of women fall in love with serial killers. You know how it comes out in the news that so and so is a serial killer and they suddenly get women from all over the world writing to them in prison. All of them in love with the guy. . .


  • Gregor

    ...They'll come right to your uncles door.

    Jag. You crack me up! I guess it's my fault that everyone thinks I was describing a particular person. Now its my uncle! But my description was just a generic guy that fits the thread title. Also, I am not recommending prostitution as a good thing. I am simply accepting the fact that prostitution is a fact of life and it would be safer if it was regulated. There are men who would prefer to have a sexual experience with a woman rather than a skin mag. As far as intimacy, these men are not looking for intimacy for themselves, just for their Johnson.

  • LongHairGal

    Ms. McDucket:

    Even though I don't consider Snipes to be unattractive, you are generally right about how unattractive men are NOT attracted to unattractive women. They have the audacity to think they deserve somebody with supermodel looks when they themselves are below par in the looks department. You always see this when a man is rich or famous. My god, he can be downright ugly but if he has money he will have his pick of good looking women. This is one of the perks of being rich or famous. But, I don't have pity for them. What outlet does an unattractive woman have in this society? She's really screwed.


  • BizzyBee

    A man can be short and dumpy and getting bald but if he has fire, women will like him. Mae West Two words: Carlo Ponti. (Short, bald, unattractive in the conventional sense, happily married to Sophia Loren for 40 years. She was happy, too.)

  • Gregor

    Carlo Ponti, a suave, handsome, European film producer is not the guy I'm picturing. Try a guy that looks like Danny DeVito, works at McDonalds and rides a bicycle with a wire basket on the handlebars to work.

  • RichieRich

    You know what's funny?

    Everyone here is quick to say that prostitution is horrible, horrendous, blah blah blah.

    Yet everyone's laughing at the concept of date rape.

    Seriously, that's just disgusting.

  • nvrgnbk

    Yet everyone's laughing at the concept of date rape.

    Everyone, Richie? I think not. Both men and women can feel equally used and humiliated when sex is not handled properly. I think the comments of several make clear that many unhealthy attitudes about sex and physical attraction and intimacy abound, and probably always have, in society.

    I think it's great to be able to discuss these issues in this forum.



  • Crumpet
    I've had attractive women ask me out, some of them half my age. I always decline, because while the sex would be nice, I'm not interested in pursuing a relationship with anyone.

    FF - you mean I have competition too?! LMAO!

    I think the Mae West quote was spot on. Its all about the fire! I think thats why I get the odd offer - you wouldnt look twice if you passed me on the street, but talk to me and I can give good fire!

  • RichieRich
    Everyone, Richie? I think not.

    Hyperbole man, sorry.

    Both men and women can feel equally used and humiliated when sex is not handled properly.

    Eh, I'm not going to debate "equally". But it doesn't matter, we're not discussing a bedroom discrepancy, we are talking about comments which said (jokingly) that they were willing to use alcohol and other drugs to lower their date's inhibitions so that they can have coitus with them. Call your local District Attorney or Chief of Police, and run that idea by them. "Uh hey, I have a date later on, and I plan on getting her drunk, and then uh, throwing down. Is that a problem with you guys??" Its called Date Rape. And its a crime. Not that bad because you're not using roofies? Lie. You just increase your chances of her waking up mid-assault.

    I think the comments of several make clear that many unhealthy attitudes about sex and physical attraction and intimacy abound, and probably always have, in society.

    Yes, but joking about adopting those attitudes oneself isn't funny at all. I can think of at least 3 date rape / marital rape survivors who are well respected posters here, and I'm sure the shadows may hold more.

    I think it's great to be able to discuss these issues in this forum.

    It's great when we discuss these issues. But no one has discussed them.

    Its nothing personal, Nvr, but seeing things like this come out of the mouths of people I respect is hard to do.

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