No outlet for unattractive men in this society...

by Gregor 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug

    I have to say that I somewhat agree, that society makes it hard on normal men, as it does the average woman....BUT, BIG BUT...I seriously have a thing for the normal male. Yes I love attractive males as anyone does, but it just seems to me that the average male often has worked a lot more on the personality and that just thrills me.

    A good conversation, and a person that has humour and can be charming and care about themselves often move me more than any supermodel would. Not saying if you are attractive that you don't have a personality, but truly, people need to be realistic and the average woman needs to be realistic. I think you can go a lot farther by being a decent person and making yourself interesting and not just relying on looks alone.

    There are so many ways to improve your looks and often it is a case of just adapting a personality. Look at all the comedians that can move masses by laughter. Or the people who have average looks and are hooked up with the extremely gorgeous person? Usually it is because they were not intimidated by the looks and had something of substance to offer.

    Looks fade you know...for most everyone!

    And legal sex...well that is a different topic. People are going to do what they are going to do. It is a dangerous world out there and if the person looking for a prostitute was the type that would keep it at harmless, well I just have probably unorthadox feelings on that. Sad thing is, it is not looks alone that make a person turn to paid luving...often it may be deeper problems. Some of them not so nice. It can put people in serious situations they are not needing to be in.

  • WTWizard

    I think legalizing prostitution would in fact be a good idea. Not that prostitution itself is. However, when you add the criminal element to it, you now have two problems. Often the criminalization adds the element of violence, and often people are priced out of it because part of the cost is to defray the risk of getting caught. This drives up profits, and makes for more temptation to get into the business. It also leads to more petty robberies and larcenies to raise the extra money.

    This argument also goes for drugs. Legalizing drugs would save the government the money to enforce a losing battle. It would also lower the premium that is due to the risk of getting caught, and thus lower the profit margin. And if people don't have the rebellion element, they are that much less likely to try drugs. And the pushers would have less financial incentive with the "getting-caught risk" premium gone. There would be less violence because (1) less money involved, (2) no need to risk getting caught and hence that shootout would be unnecessary, and (3) cheaper drugs would not need people to do burglaries and robberies to afford.

    Note that I am not condoning using drugs or prostitution. Both do have side effects. Prostitutes have to worry about AIDS and other diseases, and passing them on to the customers who also have to worry about getting a disease. Drugs also ruin the brain and the liver, and are highly addictive and enslaving. Getting into an accident is more likely if you are on drugs. And those who regularly use drugs get older faster, and you can die from taking them.

    Instead of criminalizing drugs and prostitution, people should focus on education of the consequences. And the authorities should stop regulating industry, preventing people from finding or making stimulating work. Schools need to stop teaching students in disjointed fashions and only to pass those stupid tests. By integrating thinking at the student level, we would train people to use their minds (note that this is exactly the opposite of what the Watchtower Society does). Using the mind means getting a bigger high off of creating value than one could ever get from drugs or prostitution. And that high would be without the risk of ruining one's brain and liver, or getting a disease.

  • ninja

    instead of going to pro's...could they not just be serial killers?....all for free till they got caught...think of the money they'd save ...and therefore could buy themselves some ronnie biggs,ear wax ointment and corn plasters

  • Finally-Free
    No outlet for unattractive men in this society...

    I was attractive enough when I was younger, and had more women than I can count. The multitude of sex partners I had did nothing for my loneliness. I got married, and that didn't do my loneliness or my sex life any good either. I'm divorced now, and the years haven't been kind to me, and I'm no longer much to look at. I live alone with my birds, and they give me all the affection I need. I've had attractive women ask me out, some of them half my age. I always decline, because while the sex would be nice, I'm not interested in pursuing a relationship with anyone.

    Bottom line, I believe if a person is not happy alone, then they won't be happy with someone either. Happiness has to come from within.


  • Gayle

    You men that think this would be a good idea/respectable for the men, then also will you be willing to offer your daughters/sisters to do the "good deed" for "man"-kind? How would the women fare, have respect, have a good future? Or would this have to be "other" people's daughters/sisters that you would offer?

  • zagor

    hehehehe Gregor, well I guess if it hasn't been written in Constitution then you can't claim it as your natural right in America. So I guess this requires a new (sexual) revolution lol

  • nvrgnbk

    Keep your woman drunk and she might not notice how deficient you are!

    Some of you can get away with a glass of wine or two.

    Personally, I need to give 10 to 15 shots to keep the ladies around me faked out.

  • found-my-way

    was that was said tongue in cheek....?

  • nvrgnbk

    Whose tongue in whose cheek?

  • Terry
    If society would accept legal, licensed sex for money it would be a small step toward relieving the loneliness of people who fall into the cracks (no pun intended). What do you think?

    To me this is like walking up to a stranger (in need of money) and proposing to sneeze on them for cash.

    I've been celibate for a year and a half now. It is far preferable to remain human than to use other people as a handkerchief.

    We empty ourselves when we view other people as the means to the end of our appetites. Self is fragile. If we are hungry and steal bread it doesn't solve the real problem.

    Loneliness isn't solved by a turgid pecker or credit card receipt for services rendered. It begins with a commitment to be human to others for the sake of our self.

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