Did You Personally Know of Sex Offenders In The Congregation?

by minimus 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • MinisterAmos

    Our congo "reaches out" to prisoners in the local PMITA prison (lifer prison) and includes them on the congo member directory.

    Three are child rapists.

  • Odrade

    Yep, several. One of them (at least,) has a child who posts here. I did not know about one of the pedophiles at the time, but my brother was quite close to him, with never a warning from anyone. One of the others was molesting his daughters who were close friends of mine, he tried stuff with me too but never got anywhere. I thought he was just "friendly," since I was never warned. Another one messed up all 5 of his kids severely, and was never df'd afaik. Another one had two kids, and I only heard about him after I left, though I wasn't surprised, and it sure explained a lot about THAT family. That doesn't even include the abusers who weren't sexual abusers, but "only" wife-beaters/child-beaters.

  • done4good

    Yes. The bastard is still living the good life in the Millville, NJ cong.


  • Es

    sure did, there was a single sister mum of 3 in the congo, she married this unbaptised publisher, she was actually carry his child before they got married, so she got D\F for that, anyway got back in, has had two kids with the guy.

    The oldest daughter was learning about sex ed in school and she went up to the teacher and said my step dad does that to me!!!!! So the sister left him is filing for divorce, but there isnt much the elders will do coz he is not baptized, the did not warn the congregation nothing


  • Tatiana

    My best friend (age 14) was molested by a 40 year old brother with a wife and two kids, in the Georgetown, South Carolina KH. Brother Danny Jenson. The girls mother actually caught them together. I was spending the night at their house when he was caught with her. I remember her little brother, Richard, crying all night.

    They did not call the police. They called the brothers. He told everyone he was schizophrenic and was sent to a "psychiatric" hospital. My own mother made me deliver some clothes to him in the hospital in Columbia, SC. While SHE sat in the damned car, my 13 year old self had to go up into the hospital and give the clothes to him. I was terrified.

    In about two months, he was back at the KH. I was so creeped out and scared of this guy. His wife eventually left him. Not sure on what grounds. My friend and her family moved to Fla.

  • J-ex-W
    there isnt much the elders will do coz he is not baptized,

    Yeah...this statement is deceptive.

    That's what I thought the problem was the first time I talked with them about the marital/ sexual abuse from my JW husband. That's what they told me tied their hands, anyway.

    After he got baptized, INaction was still the order of the day...no two witnesses...wait on Jehovah...blah, blah, blah....

  • free2beme


  • Roski

    1. A sister who was raped by her uncle at age 12. She was told not to say anything because he would go to jail and his family would suffer. She brought the matter up again when her marriage had problems - about age 30. The elders on the case (old friends) told her to leave it. I had a very strong feeling that the main elder was covering up for himself in some way - something from the past. He was later a CO. She brought it up again at about age 40. She had moved and the new elders were somewhat supportive, however the elders from the original congregation told her if she was still there she would have been disfellowshiped. It got to the point where if she took the issue any further - to court - he would have been prosecuted. (This is the information I was given at the time). He threatened suicide so she dropped it - but he and his wife admitted what had happened. Somehow they had got into denying it ever happened. He was removed as an MS - reluctantly - as he was soon to be made an elder. His daughter-in-law also testified against him, and others cast shadows over his behaviour, but I do not know the details. He is still in good standing. He also gropped her sister on when she was young. This sister's parents sacrificed her to keep the peace, and keep the family happy. Over the years he did lots of suspicious things with young kids - often had single sister's kids stay over. His wife now suggests that they just had to admit his wrongdoing only to satisfy the sister - his neice. No remorse.

    2. A young brother made some improper advances to my very young daughter in his room after closing the door. I didn't know about it until years later. He is a missionary now.

    3. Numerous others over the years in relation to other people as well as lecherous older brothers that used field service as an opportunity to get too close to me. Even as a good witness I had issues with this matter.

  • SirNose586

    There used to be a family who went to our hall. They live in Las Vegas now. The man wasn't a JW, but it did creep the hell out of me, and of course, I'm sure no concerns were voiced to his wife. He was the stepfather to the two kids of hers who went to the hall. The guy would be sitting in the back, nearly making out with his young stepdaughter! We all thought it was creepy, but no one said anything to him. Because her marriage was "unevenly yoked," I'm sure she got counsel, but not concern over his inappropriate behavior, over this man. But he did it in plain sight of everyone. Can't the elders at least say, "Hey, this guy should not be doing that?" But no, there was nothing.

    The girl had a crush on me, even though I was probably twice her age at the time (this was 4-5 years ago, BTW). We gave the mother and the daughter rides to the hall all the time. I was disturbed by how aggressive she was to get a little peck out of me. I remember briefly going to a bookstudy with the girl and the mother, and I felt really uncomfortable being around this girl. But I knew this all stemmed from the stepdad's uncontrolled and inappropriate affection for the stepdaughter. It was the only thing she knew how to do...

    It got so bad at this one older sister's anniversary party. The girl ran up and kissed my thigh. Of course I was grossed out for the rest of the night. All the kids saw it and were equally shocked and disturbed.

    Now this girl is in puberty. I keep saying she's going straight for that stripper pole. It'll probably happen.

    Edit: The bastard child molestor abandoned the sister and skipped state with another family. The sister remains currently unmarried. It's just as well...she wasn't too observant with that monster...

  • happehanna

    Yes lots over the years in the home counties area, a few of whom did go to prison but when they came out were re instated

    and then when we moved to the west country it was even worse, but being covered over.

    These people are still so smug thinking they have the 'truth' it makes you sick to your stomach

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